• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Hi guys am from the uk and glass tanks are def more popular in small to medium sizes here...i prefer Glass because its so easy to clean and is much more permanent than the Acrylic tanks which seem to need constant care and polishing....

But am also worried about my glass tank being more prone to cracks if a rock falls in my tank...and my base getting damaged the same way..

I think the ideal solution would be a Hybrid tank of Acrylic with a bonded scratch resistant glass coating or some other nasa developed substance lol...

My tank is is 7ft long x 3 ft high(38 in!) x 2ft wide...and was built on site onto a concrete block is 15mm glass for the sides back and front and 20mm base glass...

Oh and on the question of the sligh tgreen tinge with glass!...i have never noticed this at all and who has a perfectly clear water in their tank anyway....mine is as clear as my tapwater yet water itself can appear green....and most BIG acrylic tanks i have seen never look that clear anyway after the first 2 or 3 ft of why highlight acrylics natural clearness when the water itself in most big acrylics isnt super clear to make a difference...i think the benifits pros and cons with both substances are always going to be subject to personal tastes and sometimes delusions about waht some consider an all important detail...

My glass tank is now 10 yrs looks as good as new....i doubt many acrylics could claim as much....but i can also see their benefits.....maybe a hybrid composite tank would be the future?...after all we already use plastic/glass composites?
If you can't tell that the glass is tinting your water green, and your water is making an acrylic look the same,
I'd say, Research your water chemistry needs, and filter accordingly...

Clean, Clear, water with the correct parameters is what fishkeeping is all about...

We maintain the water and they WILL take care of everything else...IMHO
zennzzo;3042703; said:
If you can't tell that the glass is tinting your water green, and your water is making an acrylic look the same,
I'd say, Research your water chemistry needs, and filter accordingly...

Clean, Clear, water with the correct parameters is what fishkeeping is all about...

We maintain the water and they WILL take care of everything else...IMHO

Fish keeping is not just about clear water!....of course we all strive to maintain our tanks in the best condition possible...but what am saying is whats the point in arguing for acrylics so-called better optical light transmittance if the water isn't 100% as in 99% of tanks that i have ever seen or witnessed...

I have noticed that most bigger acrylic tanks tend to be homes for the larger fish species and these sort of tanks no matter how efficient the filtration is typically appear more murky and GREEN! than your average 4ft glass neon tetra setup!..

Personally i think fish keeping is different to everybody it NOT just about the water!....some like to emulate the natural biotopes and conditions as accurately as possibly in their tanks..whilst others are quite happy with a compromise and say use plastic plants or a different substrate or rock work than experienced in the wild...what does it matter that someone is a millionaire and can spend thousands of pounds ensuring his water is better than the coral reef his fish come from...or that the average fishkeeper maintains a generally healthy and happy aquarium..

As for the argument and benefit that acrylic gives better clarity is ridiculous in the real world its just a pointless me a picture of a weel maintained 6 ft reef tank that looks green!....

You seem a little bit obtuse with your one liner:
''Clean, Clear, water with the correct parameters is what fishkeeping is all about...''.....

There are so many factors that influence the hobby of fishkeeping, and our visual pleasure we derive from it.....lots of things can make or break the way our setups look or the way we feel about them...the quality and health of the fish should be num1!, the type and intensity of lighting, the use of varied and unusual plants or rocks....and the water....

To suggest the water is everything is naive to me..and my whole point is under normal circumstances i have never noticed a green tinge on my tank water or any glass tank for that in answer and support to my previous post i will reiterate my statement

''Oh and on the question of the slight green tinge with glass!...i have never noticed this at all and who has a perfectly clear water in their tank anyway.''..........
zennzzo;3045145; said:
Like I said in my post IMHO...

what do you mean?..''Like I said in my post'' you said ''Clean, Clear, water with the correct parameters is what fishkeeping is all about''''...? ..its not!..its just one of the many factors you obviously overlook yourself.......IMHO
coltsr2;3048006; said:
what do you mean?..''Like I said in my post'' you said ''Clean, Clear, water with the correct parameters is what fishkeeping is all about''''...? ..its not!..its just one of the many factors you obviously overlook yourself.......IMHO

In my humble opinion, IMHO
So do not tell me what my opinion is, that would be YOUR opinion, one which you are entitle to, as I am mine...
My problem with acrylic is that the chemical properties of the plastic give it an unappealing look despite the superior clarity, it seems it needs constant polishing to keep it looking like new. Most of the acrylic aquariums I see look worn down and hazy. Unless I'm mistaken and it all comes down to the type of acrylic used to build the aquarium.
one of the other thing that no one is talking about is that the acrylic is 7 time stronger the glass.So if any of you have little kids that like to trow things i would not get glass .
Wow, it seems that legendary fights are inescapable. This is much like the "chicken and egg argument" of fish keeping. Always fighting, but no real verdict. Anyways, here Acrylic tanks are more expensive. A 75 gallon tank will cost an equivalent 20-40 dollars, but Acrylics of the same size would cost over 400 dollars.