• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I am doing a new 1000gal setup build.

I wish I could go with an acrylic build. But the cost to build in Australia is WAY WAY to prohibitive. The glass equivilent is almost 1/3 the cost of an acrylic built tank. For a bit over half the tank cost of a local glass made tank, I can get the tank I am after including stand / cabinet / hood / lighting, shipped to my door from China.

So I opted for the imported glass route only for cost factor.
i just moved my 600 lbs - 300 glass into my house. took 6 of us and 30 minutes. piece of cake. doesnt hurt that i own a moving company.

but any bigger acrylic for sure. and some wider doorways.:D
I like glass. My husband has an acrylic and because of the struts across the top of it, he's unable to fit any large decor in there. Plus, I just like the glass. I'm just an old fashioned girl, I guess.