I own both a 100 gallon acrylic (TruVu) and a 180 gallon glass (All Glass Company).
Acrylic has many benefits over glass. For example, ask your friends kid to get a baseball bat and take a swing at your 100 gallon acrylic and 100 gallon glass; we'll see which one survives. Acrylic is 20x stronger than glass.
Also, TruVu (acrylic) has a lifetime guarantee on their tanks. All-Glass-Company (Aqueon) only has a 10 year guarantee.
If you ever get a crack, and don't want TruVu to ship you a free tank, acrylic is also easy to fix! Ever try to fix a crack in a glass tank? Good luck !
Ever try to drill glass? Acrylic is MUCH easier !
Does acrylic scratch? YES! However, get a good buff kit (I have a buff kit made by Rainbow Aquatics). Scratches are easy to remove and make !
However, I have a few nasty scratches on my 180 glass. If only I could remove them!
Another benefit; no silicone seams. I had a Jack Dempsey bite at the seals of one of my previous 60 gallon glass tanks. He ripped part of the silicone off and it leaked through the night. I was able to save the fish, but had to go through the hassle of resealing the tank.
As you can see, the "Acrylic vs Glass" debate isn't as easy as it seems.
I like both, But will always choose acrylic over glass anyday!