Green terror information and tankmates For 75 gallons

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Could a JD work with a couple Jewels?
A pair of jewels with a good sized catfish and a dozen blue/red tetra would be sweet too
Could I do two poly and a jewel or acara? Or maybe a jewel and an acara and a pleco or catfish? Maybe a poly and jewel and acara?
Could I do two poly and a jewel or acara? Or maybe a jewel and an acara and a pleco or catfish? Maybe a poly and jewel and acara?

Its great that your doing the research but no one can honestly say for a fact that it will work out. Each fish will have its own personalities.

Murphy's law says something is going to go wrong so just try it hope for the best and know that you may have to rehome someone. Communities are rewarding but take a little trial and error
And back to what I was saying before is there anything that could be recommended with a young green terror, I like jewel cichlids but don’t know enough about tankmates
I have had Jewels with Raphael cats, Blue Phantom pleco, and Orange seam pleco.

Jewels pretty much leave bottom feeders alone unless it gets close to it's nesting area.
Like others have said, don't mix Jewels with African lake cichlids, they are from the rivers and like near same water as SA/CA cichlids do, not the really hard water of rift lake cichlids.

They are a smaller fish females get around 3in males 5in. So you can easily have another fish with it like an Acura, or Convict. I bet it would get along with a Poly as well, so long as it's a smaller one and can't eat the small cichlid.
I never had Polys myself, but they are said to be simular to have catfish, so I don't see a problem with 2 small poly a Jewel and and Acura or two Jewels.

Tho Jewels are really hard to sex, like Oscars are. So trying to sex them wont be fun till they pair off themselvs.