cool . a new reason to drink daily

the conversation seemed to get stuck on chromium .
ok . as far as i saw there was a big list of chemicals . that alone would make me say no to the sand . but wether it is the actual cause or not is a differnt matter. certainly even if you hadnt had problems with your rays . i would still be concerned about adding that sand to my aquarium .
yes i would feel much happier adding riversand than somethign thats been tampered with to make it suit a different purpose and tampered with by adding lots of chemicls .
the fact that your other ray is showing similar signs could say alot of things.
has that ray been in the tank as long ? have there been any new additons at all ? whats changed recently to make this happen if not ?
something has made this happen .
its very possible that its not the sand causing it . but still i wouldnt be adding it to my tank after seeing the big list of chemicls in it and a bunch of warnings designed for humans let alone for something much more sensitive
i hope you find out what it is and i hope you are able to share it with us . i hope the other rays are ok