gross anatomy

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
keepinfish;3227175; said:
isn't silica found in quartz, sandstone, and many other common rocks?? What makes it harmful in aquarium use? Not trying to argue, just trying to learn./

This is frequently argued. Dr Ross mentions it in his books, due to the extremely sharp crystals in silica. The jury is out on it I guess, but again , the point is....if you are not sure then why risk it?
DavidW;3227262; said:
This is frequently argued. Dr Ross mentions it in his books, due to the extremely sharp crystals in silica. The jury is out on it I guess, but again , the point is....if you are not sure then why risk it?

isn't that due to infections on the disc?? from cuts and scratches?
Wow! Lots of good discussion here. I think I will remove the sand. I used it in the first place as other folks didnt have any issues with it affecting rays. But, 'tis better to be on the side of caution. My intial thought was the sand was ok in the intestine, but when I noticed the finish was gone I began to wonder if that was the problem. I will probably switch back to the Estes sand I originally had in the tank. I added the 3M sand back in November of December I think.
The female hystrix still has the slightly swollen belly, but continues to feed and is active.
Any idea where to get the MSDS for estes sand and gravel? How is it different than 3M colored quartz? If it is better/safer then I have no problem getting it in the same color as the 3M stuff.
vladfloroff;3227509; said:
Any idea where to get the MSDS for estes sand and gravel? How is it different than 3M colored quartz? If it is better/safer then I have no problem getting it in the same color as the 3M stuff.

i h ave been trying to find that info too, i emailed them this morning but i found this i am not sure if that has anything to do with the sand or the coating?

some more info on aquarium sand

info on silica
DB junkie;3227039; said:
I can't believe with the cost of stingrays that people can justify using questionable substrate for NO other reason then THIER own prefrence (color).

We spend hundreds, most of us thousands, on rays but are quick to save a buck on SUBSTATE? Seriously? THE cheapest element of an aquarium?

NO long term effects of this sand that has been introduced to aquariums what? A year or 2 ago? So IF I poison my liver daily for 2 years and am NOT dead then that means I will NEVER die form it?

I CAN'T be only one that thinks this is rediculous......

cool . a new reason to drink daily :) .

the conversation seemed to get stuck on chromium .
ok . as far as i saw there was a big list of chemicals . that alone would make me say no to the sand . but wether it is the actual cause or not is a differnt matter. certainly even if you hadnt had problems with your rays . i would still be concerned about adding that sand to my aquarium .

yes i would feel much happier adding riversand than somethign thats been tampered with to make it suit a different purpose and tampered with by adding lots of chemicls .

the fact that your other ray is showing similar signs could say alot of things.

has that ray been in the tank as long ? have there been any new additons at all ? whats changed recently to make this happen if not ?

something has made this happen .

its very possible that its not the sand causing it . but still i wouldnt be adding it to my tank after seeing the big list of chemicls in it and a bunch of warnings designed for humans let alone for something much more sensitive

i hope you find out what it is and i hope you are able to share it with us . i hope the other rays are ok :)