Unfortunately I like never, ever see them for sale. Even in the deepest, darkest corners of the internet. They're an Indian Herbivorous cichlid, very closely related to the Paretroplus genus of Madagascar. They do kind of look like mini Menarambo or pin stripe damba. Which is really interesting to me. Best kept in groups, I've never actually kept them but I've been researching them for some time now.
On aquabid right now they're $30 a fish so it would cost a pretty penny to buy a proper amount of them. Their other close relative Etroplus Suratensis is, for me, as pretty a cichlid as there is. They need slightly brackish water though, only reason I haven't kept them.
On aquabid right now they're $30 a fish so it would cost a pretty penny to buy a proper amount of them. Their other close relative Etroplus Suratensis is, for me, as pretty a cichlid as there is. They need slightly brackish water though, only reason I haven't kept them.