Help Me Poly Stock

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I'd love to keep it to one tank. That's the long term goal. My 5 inchers need to be 10 inchers and I need to upgrade one more time and this 125 and 75 are gone. I'll get the little guys up big and get me an Endli!
Did you get any endlis yet?
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Long term plan in my head is:

265- Polleni, Ptychochromis Oligacanthus, Chocolate, Green Severum, Super Red Severum, JD, pink JD (JD's are my girls fish lol,) Regani, Hets, Crypts, senegalus, ornate, teugelsi, gold dust, maybe a moke and polli

If this bioload isn't too crazy I'll probably just leave it as is. Once I get it all settled and a nice maintenance routine for a long time I might consider buying a 180 for poly's exclusively.

55- Puffer tank

30- Snails/Crabs/planted tank
Sounds cool! I just googled the P. Oligacanthus, and the photos are all so different. Do you have these already? What do they look like?
These so ugly they're cute little buggers


You could think of them as the earth eaters of madagascar, they do have a remarkable resemblance to Thoricthys. I did have 2 females and a male but the male died suddenly and randomly after a water change one day, shock from difference in temperature I believe. Will be interesting to see if one of the 2 females turns male now.
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They're cool looking, is that more purple or blue in real life? Do you keep them in harems/groups?

What crypts?

(We have similar fish tastes so I am grilling you! LOL)
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Oh, grill away lol I believe they should be kept in groups yeah, they're actually much prettier in person. Lots of iridescent shades of blue. The males, I think it's the males, get a bunch of red in their dorsal fins. I'm really surprised I've never come across a picture online showing this. They don't get too big either, I don't think the males get any larger than 8" absolute max, and they're Madagascan so they grow slow as f. One day I will do a Madagascar biotope.

I was just abbreviating "crypts" for Cryptoheros Panamensis. Which I think they might be Panamius Panamensis now? Not sure. I love the whole Cryptoheros genus, gorgeous fish that stay small. They're living with the hets right now. Unfortunately I've heard they're really high in the conspecific aggression department so I'll probably just wind up with a pair from my six.
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I just saw a rarer fish for sale that you might like? I could be wrong, I like them lol Look up Etroplus Canarensis. Really pretty little Indian cichlids.
Did you get any endlis yet?

I didn't because I haven't upgraded yet. I'd be afraid that I didn't upgrade by the time I needed to and I'd have to rehome the endli and I'm sure by that time I'd be attached to it. I really want one though. I'm calling the manager at fish gallery today to see if he can get me a special order :D
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I just saw a rarer fish for sale that you might like? I could be wrong, I like them lol Look up Etroplus Canarensis. Really pretty little Indian cichlids.

Gorgeous fish! Yes, up my alley for sure. Do you know anything about them? Will do some searching later.