Hikari vs. NLS

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Off on a slightly different tack... Hikari is easy to find; nls not so much...

I know I can find it at Big Al's (where you can also get it in large quantity), but where else at decent prices (USA if that makes a difference)?
All the science aside. Myself, I will go on personal experience and that for me is in favor of Hikari. (Especially where Massivore is concerned.) I have found Hikari to be far more palletable. You can look at any of my fish to see that they are not lacking in nutrition or color and Hikari makes up at least 80% of their diets.

RD.. I have to agree with Reverse. The fact you have a vested interest in NLS instantly makes me refrain from your review on NLS. Be it good info or clever marketing? Not trying to be rude but I never trust a sellers word when they have to put the opposition down to make their own product look better.
gt - I have no problem with that, your fish, your money, your call.
But just for the record, I'm not here to sell anyone, anything. I wouldn't sell food to someone on MFK if they begged me, I actually turn down sales to hobbyists every week.

My comments here are simply to assist consumers in making more informed & educated decisions. What happens after that is beyond my control. If one chooses to ignore the science, becaue they feel more comfortable doing what they have always done, I can't control that either.
I have no doubt that millions of hobbyists world-wide are quite happy feeding Wardley products to their fish.

And exactly how am I putting the opposition down?

By informing consumers that they can't simply look at the crude protein level and determine the nutritional value of a food?

Or stating that most of the monster CA species will have difficulty assimilating anything over 15-20% carbs. Some of the piscivores, closer to 10% max?

Or that there are soybean (starch) products that have a crude protein content in the 80-90% range, and while that may allow impressive numbers on a label, a carnivorous species simply won't be able to utilize the majority of that so called protein?

Or by posting that generic fish meal is made up from processing plant waste, heads, bones, and scales, and that the high mineral content leads to a high total ash content in the food, which is basically just adding unwanted pollution in your tank?

I'm not too sure how posting the facts, in a factual manner, equates to putting the opposition down? Sure I might take the odd dig here and there, I'm only human after all, but it still doesn't change the facts.

I think that someone here on MFK said it best when they stated;

"There's no such thing as "civil" disagreement when the ultimate shame is to change one's opinion!"

That last quote sounds familiar?........ Hmmmmmmm? ; )

I'd expect other fish food sellers to be pretty proud of their products too. I wonder why none ever question the NLS claims? It would be great to get them here to talk about it.
I thought it best not to name names when using that quote, but I guess now you've been officially outed. lol

By all means, I welcome any/all to a discussion such as this one, including those that may be associated with other brands. And to quote another line that seems fitting in these types of discussions;
"The population will not benefit from the status quo."

It has always struck me as being odd that any serious fishkeeper would prefer to ignore all of the advances in nutritional science that have taken place over the past 30 yrs, due to what appears in many cases to be based on nothing more than brand loyalty? My loyalty begins & ends with my fish.

I'm certainly not going to lose any sleep over whether somone feeds Hikari, NLS, or any other brand, but hopefully if nothing else, in the end discussions such as this one will allow hobbyists to be somewhat better informed about the choices they make when it comes to commercial fish foods.
RD...I can understand that you don't sell to anyone here but that is to be expected with you being a wholesaler. It doesn't change the fact, preaching a product line everywhere will inevitably increase sales in the shops which will no doubt increase your wholesale supply to said shops. Again, not trying to sound rude but this is how I see it. It's just good business sense.;)
The reason for me to put the said science aside is because I trust results in my own home first and foremost. Should I buy any product because their science says it is better? I think not. I will try any products, evaluate them and use the one that gave the best results for my usage. I might add that it also has nothing to do with product loyalty. I have tried many brands of pellets over the years for extended periods of time and Hikari has become my chosen. You can throw all the science jargon out there you like but for me, results in my own tanks speak far greater words.
I can except some have found great success with NLS and I am genuinely happy for them. I do not knock the product. I feel however from reading all your posts that you can not do the same when others share of the same or better results with Hikari products.
I have bought NLS in the past, the Jumbo version was too small and on CCHHCC's advice I bought the Extra large fish version. My fish may just be accustomed to Massivore and they will not eat NLS, maybe if NLS made a large sinking pellet. After reading the posts here I have no doubt that NLS is a fine product, and like CCHHCC said one may like ice cream but that does not make it good for you, in my case my fish like Hikari.

I have no scientific opinion, I am an investigator not a scientist. My fish have grown well, maybe too well, they are fat, but they sem to be happy and are breeding. That makes me happy. If I had started my dovi off on NLS that may have been their food of choice, but that was not the case.

I will have had my dovi for 2 years coming up, the male is 18 inches and the female is over a foot, they have hundreds of babies and are looking to breed again.

To those of you who feed NLS, good luck with your fish. Those that feed Hikari, good luck to you as well.

Happy fishkeeping.
superleggera123;3612449; said:
NLS vs Hikari
easy for me Hikari
i have tried both
and my jaguar prefers hikari anyday!
if you really want healthy fish dump the bio gold
and go for MASSIVORE small pellets
trust me nothing brings out amazing colors like massivore

x2. hikari all the way
greenterra;3657232; said:
All the science aside. Myself, I will go on personal experience and that for me is in favor of Hikari. (Especially where Massivore is concerned.) I have found Hikari to be far more palletable. You can look at any of my fish to see that they are not lacking in nutrition or color and Hikari makes up at least 80% of their diets.

RD.. I have to agree with Reverse. The fact you have a vested interest in NLS instantly makes me refrain from your review on NLS. Be it good info or clever marketing? Not trying to be rude but I never trust a sellers word when they have to put the opposition down to make their own product look better.

I also prefer hikari as I said before. I think that NLS is a good food yes, but how neil makes it looks is NLS is the only good food and everything else is crap. I know thats not how you worded it because you don't want to slander, but it seems that way. :grinno: I think because of your role with NLS, what you say about NLS will be a little bias. You kinda remind me of a car sales man Neil:ROFL:. I am not trying to slam you or NLS, thats not my intention. I like NLS, but its not the end all greatest fish food made. I just like to add my two cents :)
Personally my fish hate nls and spit it out just like my friend's fish. I woudn't buy it if my fish loved it just because someone is pushing it on everyone. So Hikari FTW nls blows.