Hikari vs. NLS

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I use NLS wafers for my bichirs. I was already using NLS cichlid formula with 5 breeding colonies of tropheus and their fry. I was using massivore for the bichirs but found they ground it up and turned it into a cloud of particulate matter. They do not do so with NLS wafers. It seems they swallow the NLS wafers whole. That in itself made a difference to me.

Prices on Hikari products in Canada are friggin' stupid. I can also find 5 pound pails of NLS whereas no such thing is available from Hikari, at least not locally. In my experience, NLS has served me better.
-Sinatra-;3658042; said:
Personally my fish hate nls and spit it out just like my friend's fish. I woudn't buy it if my fish loved it just because someone is pushing it on everyone. So Hikari FTW nls blows.

I don't think NLS blows, it is a high quality pellet and I like it. I don't see Neil ''attacking'' other people. It just seems that from what Neil says, NLS is the only good food and its the only way you can get great colored and healthy fish. All I am saying is there are other things besides NLS. Some of my fish will not look at NLS. But my oscars love it. I feed them a mixture of Hikari and NLS pellets. Overall I feed more Hikari and have more use for there products then NLS.
reverse;3658023; said:
I have bought NLS in the past, the Jumbo version was too small and on CCHHCC's advice I bought the Extra large fish version. My fish may just be accustomed to Massivore and they will not eat NLS, maybe if NLS made a large sinking pellet. After reading the posts here I have no doubt that NLS is a fine product, and like CCHHCC said one may like ice cream but that does not make it good for you, in my case my fish like Hikari.

I have no scientific opinion, I am an investigator not a scientist. My fish have grown well, maybe too well, they are fat, but they sem to be happy and are breeding. That makes me happy. If I had started my dovi off on NLS that may have been their food of choice, but that was not the case.

I will have had my dovi for 2 years coming up, the male is 18 inches and the female is over a foot, they have hundreds of babies and are looking to breed again.

To those of you who feed NLS, good luck with your fish. Those that feed Hikari, good luck to you as well.

Happy fishkeeping.

That's the most boring thing you've ever posted! I read it six times and couldn't find a slam anywhere in there. What's happening to you? :naughty:

As I've said before my largest dovii, like Reverse's, is addicted to Omega wafers, so he won't eat the large NLS floaters. He prefers sinkers but hates Massivore too -- spits it right out (he's probably read the ingredients list!). I'm mixing in NLS wafers with the Omega now to get him converted. All my other fish (including all my other dovii) will eat anything at all, so they get NLS unless I'm feeding mysis.

To those that say they've done tests, unless they've actually setup laboratory style testing they're still going to be influenced by opinion and marketing. Assuming you can get NLS at a competitive price, it doesn't seem like feeding something else makes much sense given the science unless you disagree with it or think NLS is just overkill and other brands are sufficient.

Someone should setup a controlled experiment and post it here!
I have yet to find an LFS that carries NLS anywhere in NC. Are they strict on selling to places that arent chains or dont buy a certain amount? Or is it just because the stores Ive been to havent asked for it? Ive only used it when Ive inherited it from other fishkeepers getting out of the hobby or when Ive gotten something from up north and they sent some food with the fish.

Maybe NLS should spend some money on marketing or at least on getting samples to as many LFS's that they can to get the word out if its as good as RD. says it are.

I tried massivore for about 48 hrs and it stunk my house up so bad I gave the $20 bag away. Anyone else have this problem with it completely stinking the tank water up? It was odd.
Yes on the Massivore smelling. But NLS garlic formulas can stink too.

If you can't find it in NC, try looking at a store that caters to reef keepers. They'll certainly have it.

RD could answer better, but my understanding is NLS spends little to nothing on advertising.
I buy Massivore by the kilo (2.2 pounds) never a problem here.
cchhcc;3658179; said:
If you can't find it in NC, try looking at a store that caters to reef keepers. They'll certainly have it.

RD could answer better, but my understanding is NLS spends little to nothing on advertising.

ahh...a new reef store just opened about 1 mile away from me, so maybe Ill check it out tomorrow. Thanks. and yea, I get the impression they dont advertise at all as well.

reverse;3658182; said:
I buy Massivore by the kilo (2.2 pounds) never a problem here.

wish I hadnt. It smelled like a bucket of dead fish had been set in front of a fan within about 2 hrs of me feeding them. Even my clothes smelled like it the next day.:shakehead
VRWC;3658247; said:
ahh...a new reef store just opened about 1 mile away from me, so maybe Ill check it out tomorrow. Thanks. and yea, I get the impression they dont advertise at all as well.

wish I hadnt. It smelled like a bucket of dead fish had been set in front of a fan within about 2 hrs of me feeding them. Even my clothes smelled like it the next day.:shakehead

you must have a sensitive nose
possibly. I dont notice it with anything else though and I dont smell my tank very often. I wonder if the different compounds of the local water make it smell differently or react differently.
Biggfeast;3611893; said:
Ive been using hikari cichlid gold and bio-gold but i wanna try usin some NLS cuz ive heard its good, i was wondering what kind is the best for my motaguense??
Try all of them...Won't hurt. Just a little at a time.