Hikari vs. NLS

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Lol, for what Dustin?


Thanks for the info. Im not sure if I understand the solution you suggested. Are you simply saying you instead use floating pellets, and a different type of sinking wafer? (by wafer, im picturing something like an algae wafer, is that what you mean?).

Are their any plans to change the Thera A+ at all, or no? I know a few other people who've had the same experience. Actually, a friend of mine enthusiastically bought a bucket of it, only to return it after finding out not only he, but a few of us, were getting the same spit-out result.

Also, I was checking out the ingredients on the Large fish formula (3mm?) can of mine and it appears to be lower in starches than some of the other diets even. What is the comparison to Thera A+? (I dont have any of it). It took a little getting used to for 1 or 2 fish for the large fish formula, but Its much softer than the thera.


For making fun of Quin's new ID. :)

Yes Chris, for those fish I simply fed them a floating pellet (4.5 mm Jumbo) and the NLS H2O wafers. It's not an algae wafer, although many people assume that it is. My 11" RD/Midas preferred the 7.5mm floating pellets, and the wafers, but would also spit out the 6mm TherA. Although I have no doubt that with time I could have easily trained him to eat those as well, I simply had no need to bother. My m/f pair of Red Texas (f-8", m- 10") preferred the 4.5mm over the 7.5mm pellets. My pair of H. temporalis tend to eat anything that I toss in the tank, no matter the size. lol
I have seen lots of other big brutes smash the 6mm pellets back with no issues. In my experience the 6mm pellets require a fairly hefty fish, or a very aggressive eater that will destroy anything. No plans to change the TherA, other than the amount of garlic has been slightly reduced as some people found the odor a bit too pungent.

The bottom line is that when you reduce carbs, the pellets do become harder, and more dense, and short of increasing the moisture content (which has it's own set of problems, such as greater potential for mold) there's not a whole lot that one can do. The TherA formula has a higher protein/fat content than the Large Fish formula, and a mega dose of garlic. Otherwise most of the basic ingredients are the same as the other formulas.

Ohh, I see, haha.

Hmm, alright. Yeah I guess I didnt quite mean algae wafer (cause I know they are more veggie/seaweed based than algae), but that makes sense.

Yeah I know anything that can just boom, swallow the pellets without 'chewing' probably wouldnt have an issue with it.

Totally understood, ok, thanks for the info. Too bad though, cause I dont like soaking foods, it drags all the nutrients 'out' of the food :P lol. Glad my fish eat almost any sized pellet, floating or sinking though, so I can use any other NLS.


The NLS wafers have more krill & herring in them, than seaweed/algae.
All they really are is a big flat pellet. :)

The motoro below was purchased from a LFS where IMHO it was being nutrient starved, to the point where I would say that it was becoming stunted. The tank setting was less than ideal, and it wasn't being fed nearly enough food. (at least not on a consistent basis)
After being removed from that tank, and fed NLS wafers as the main staple, in less than 6 months it went from an undernourished skinny 6" specimen, to a fat & sassy 10-11" fish.



Pre-soaking pellets can be done without too much nutrient loss, the trick is using only enough tank water as to lightly soak the pellets, without leaving a puddle behind. That way the majority of the water soluble vitamins & minerals are left intact. Either way it's a hassle, typically not something that I recommend, and not something that I would personally want to do on a daily basis.
Vested Interest.............

Cichlid Food Canada Ltd. is a wholesale distribution company that specializes in New Life Spectrum premium fish food. As a wholesale distribution company that specializes in only one product, our customer service is second to none.
RD.;3647697; said:
Pre-soaking pellets can be done without too much nutrient loss, the trick is using only enough tank water as to lightly soak the pellets, without leaving a puddle behind. That way the majority of the water soluble vitamins & minerals are left intact. Either way it's a hassle, typically not something that I recommend, and not something that I would personally want to do on a daily basis.

Thats what I do, I only add about 2 drops of water per pellet. And exactly, thats why I dont want to do it, lol. I dont like soaking any food in water, especially when thawing frozen.
Funky_Fish14;3647802; said:
Thats what I do, I only add about 2 drops of water per pellet. And exactly, thats why I dont want to do it, lol. I dont like soaking any food in water, especially when thawing frozen.

yeah I got banned for making fun of a user name :screwy: but it was all in fun...

As for pre soaking, when I do pre soak, I put my pellets in a plastic cup and soak them in the vita chem twice a week.

humm NLS wafers. I am looking to feed my rays more. Anyone else feeds there rays NLS wafers?
Wow, that's quite the private dick work reverse. Many people know who I am on this forum (including Chris), and most other forums, as I always use this same ID, and have never once hidden the fact of who I am, or what I do. I was also a mod on cichlid-forum for a number of years in the health/nutrition folder, where I also used this same ID, and was well known for promoting this brand, long before I had any association with the company.

Having said that, please fee free to point out any weak links in anything that I have posted with regards to nutrition in this discussion, then maybe I'll be impressed. I would think that most members here would welcome input from someone that works within the industry, and actually knows what the hell they are talking about.

I think that cchhcc said it best when he used the phrase slamming the mythology that gets thrown around in this game. If anything, maybe some of these other companies will clean up their acts somewhat, which in the end is in everyone's best interest, no matter what brand they use.
If you feed a quality pellet food, there should be no need to pre-soak them in vitamins. An excessive amount of certain vitamins, can be just as harmful to the health of a fish, as not enough.