Ok, I think RD. has invested his kids college fund into NLS and that is why he fights to the death to make it seem like NLS is the next best thing since sliced bread, and does not want to lose anyone to Hikari, Omega, etc. I would like NLS to let me talk to the fish that have told them they are WAY HAPPIER with NLS and that they can assimilate NLS's ingredients better than Hikari's ingredients. Where did you guys get this info? I started feeding Hikari cuz that's all there was in the fish store when I started in the hobby, then I saw Omega but never gave it a try. Then came the '8th wonder of the World' (per RD.). A fellow hobbyist (which might have been RD.) at the LFS told me to get NLS. He had bought into the hype and wanted me to join him. The first HYPE phrase I saw was "YOUR FISH WILL LOOK MORE VIBRANT". But we can't assess the quality of a food based on the color display of the fish, right? But that was the hook NLS threw at the public. So I gave it a try, for 6 months, and the results were the same. The fish had the same color, girth, growth rates as they did with Hikari. I switched back to Hikari because it was cheaper than NLS AT THE STORE. Then I gave Omega a try and same results. So I decided to stay with Hikari. Why try to fix something if it aint't broke? In all what I am trying to say is, ALL OF US HOBBYIST care about one thing and ONE THING ONLY! How nice our fish look!! Guys like RD. could go till kingdom come trying to convince guys like me NLS is DA BOMB, and when it comes down to it, there is only one thing that will really change anyone's mind, that is price!. If I get the same results using Hikari, Omega and NLS, what do you think the deciding factor would be? Say it with me kids, PRICE!!! At the local FLS, NLS is the most expensive, then Omega, and Hikari is the cheapest, that is why I buy it and I am not gonna fake on it. But don't tell me NLS is gonna make my fish live 100 years, or that my fish will assimilate NLS ingredients better. The first fish me and my dad bought were 2 tiger oscars, who are still alive BTW and are 10 yrs old, and have only eaten Hikari their whole fish lives! How about that for longevity?