Chris ...... I'm fairly certain that a lot of discussions that involve controversial subjects will never end, Hikari vs NLS being only one of them.
The manufacturer of NLS has been asked a number of times about creating a line of frozen foods, but has no plans of doing so.
This is just my own personal opinion, but if one wants the best value in fresh/frozen products, your best bet is to make a trip to the local market.
Clams, mussels, squid, prawns, tilapia, silversides, walleye, pike, etc will get the job done, with the caveat of making sure to supplement with a well rounded liquid vitamin to ensure that certain vitamins & trace minerals aren't lacking. The key ones being vitamin C, B1 (many freshwater species contain thiaminase, which destroys B1, even when in a frozen state) and vitamin E, which is also largely broken down in flesh when frozen. More than you asked I know, but just thought I would toss that out there for those that feed large amounts of frozen.
NLS = New Life Spectrum