Rio los almendros IS the blue Danli fish. Rio Los Almendros, Patuca drainage is the river that cuts through the city of Danli, Honduras. Their is no river named Danli in Honduras. However an unrelated Rio Danli does exist in Nicaragua just outside of Danli, Nicaragua and is a very small tributary of large Rio Prinzapolca.
Rio Mongo, Monda and Manga are all three one in the same stream. Same stream 3 names all used by the locals. Any name used err.. spelled differentl yis a typo on our part. It/they are a small tributary of the Rio Aquan, Papaloteca drainage which is roughly 400km north east of Danli. It shares no common tributaries with Los Almendros and both the Sierra de Agalta and Montaña los Comayagua mountains are between them. As well as are smaller ranges in the Botaderos, Sierra Rio Tinto, El Carbon, Montana de Yoro, and La Muralla National Parks. All of which lay.. or rise, between the two rivers.
DNA studies by Bagley apparently indicate that the 'Danli' fish, the Mongo/Monda/Manga fish and the Nicaraguan A. nicaraguensis are genetically no different from each other. Only in color and or pattern. go figure..
To me, personally, they all look, behave, reproduce, and grow differently. but, I suppose the dna is the dna. The HRP is still not
officially described so sp. Honduran red point is stays on my side.
Photo below is of my original male from 1998. This is a scanned, film w/ flash photo. These were super blue (green w/ flash). These were from some of the very, very first groups that were passed around back then. Mine orginally came from from Jeff Rapps via Rusty. The offspring I offer today are from the same lineage although quite a few generations in of course. literally trace to this male. They still breed true. Nice blue and red. No deviation from the color with the exception of some leucistic fry started popping up after several years and 1 out of every few hundred may show a wonky bar pattern. I have shipped out literally thousands of these all over the planet. my 12 yr old son keeps an old breeding pair in a 20 high in his bedroom that I still pull fry from and I also maintain two tanks in my facility dedicated to this same fish for breeding purposes. I also have 2 local hobbyists who breed these(from my stock) for me.
Recently I've seen alleged F1 & F2 being passed around. Those I would find highly suspect. IMO anyway.. unless someone went and very recently collected more but that is doubtful as they would not be considered a priority species to go to that area for. Certainly more 'important' species would be worth the time and resources to go look for in Honduras and no one in the circle of collectors I know have gone back in the last decade for them.