Honduran red points

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
can’t see the pic?
This is the pic Kevin sent.
Honduran red points had already been in captivity for a decade at the time of this picture being taken. I would assume that's enough time for the "blue" to pop up, assuming they weren't like that in the wild. I understand that the ones I sent are not blue, but those were fish caught in Los almendros.

I'm gonna feel really bad about everything I've said if Ken Davis has just been breeding wild colored HRPs this whole time. First pair of "HRP"s I bought from him:


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Some of you may remember the project I did awhile ago with breeding different colored convicts and getting a bunch of random phenotypes. Of those phenotypes, blue fry (similar to the blue lago nicaraguas I produced) were also produced, likely coming from their platinum father. I found the blue phenotype and the "black" phenotype could not interact with eachother, resulting in a 50/50 split in each phenotype per batch of fry (including the leucistic forms of both which were additionally produced). I was never able to rear any of these blue fry to adulthood as they always got killed by their pink, black, and platinum siblings for some reason. I had never seen them in adult coloration, until today. I sold a pair of them to one guy at a local club, and while the female was killed, he still has the male. It looks like the rio mongos/claros I got from Ken Davis. Bright blue gills over a dark blueish grey body, with deep red fins. Funnily enough the baby rio mongos look exactly like these blue fry as well. I may be piecing together how HRPs came to be. I'll be messing around with line breeding my blue lago nicaraguas to see if I can get any as blue as HRPs. Would be cool to have giant blue convicts if I'm successful.
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Some of you may remember the project I did awhile ago with breeding different colored convicts and getting a bunch of random phenotypes. Of those phenotypes, blue fry (similar to the blue lago nicaraguas I produced) were also produced, likely coming from their platinum father. I found the blue phenotype and the "black" phenotype could not interact with eachother, resulting in a 50/50 split in each phenotype per batch of fry (including the leucistic forms of both which were additionally produced). I was never able to rear any of these blue fry to adulthood as they always got killed by their pink, black, and platinum siblings for some reason. I had never seen them in adult coloration, until today. I sold a pair of them to one guy at a local club, and while the female was killed, he still has the male. It looks like the rio mongos/claros I got from Ken Davis. Bright blue gills over a dark blueish grey body, with deep red fins. Funnily enough the baby rio mongos look exactly like these blue fry as well. I may be piecing together how HRPs came to be. I'll be messing around with line breeding my blue lago nicaraguas to see if I can get any as blue as HRPs. Would be cool to have giant blue convicts if I'm successful.
That would be incredible!
The aforementioned "blue" individual that came out of my old trade strain project. Picture from a guy in one of my local clubs.

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Updates on some of my local fish store HRP. The store owner brought in a group of 6 fish and I bought all 6. Unfortunately, I lost 2 for whatever reason at a young age. All 4 survivors grew out and developed quite nicely. Unfortunately all 4 turned out to be males. At least they'll look nice in my community tank.


@Showtimekev here's the female you sent me, sorry it took so long. Best pictures I could get of her tonight. She's gained a lot of weight and colored up a good deal since I got her. Thankfully I found ONE male bioaquatix x tuic in my colony to breed her with. All the other ones I kept are female. I'll be breeding her offspring to the offspring of my Chris Butcher/wetspot cross fry once I get them/get them up to size.
In other news, I think I might be splitting up the colony... Not sure who's going where though. Obviously the window tank brings out the best in them, but I also want to give one group more space to just produce more offspring. The two groups will be: one focusing on the original goal of trying to combine all the bloodlines, and one focusing on color and pattern. The latter is the one I want to mass produce. I'd like to give them a 40 to let them fill in the space, but at the same time I'd also like to keep them in the sun lit tank to bring out their best colors. Tough call.
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More excellent news, after clearing the algae on the front panel of my colony, I find that TWO of my keeper holdbacks from the bioaquatix x tuic cross are males. Here's the bigger one. He's the one I kept because he has his father's pattern on one side, and his mother's on the other. He's even getting a little nuchal hump. I'm seeing courting behavior between him and the female I got from @Showtimekev, so that all works out perfectly.







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