It's the sudden dramatic change in conditions that really hits hard, at least as much as the actual temperature itself. On the news yesterday they were saying that parts of Texas would likely experience a temperature drop of sixty degrees in 6 hours!!!
That's a bigger temperature swing, in only a quarter of one day, than many places experience over the course of a year!
Simlar for us here; almost all the way up to freezing a day or two after Xmas. Yeehaw!
The Weather Network was showing a map of Canada, with severe weather warnings and alerts and much doom-and-glooming visible from coast to coast...and in the middle, an oasis of calm air and pleasant conditions...the only province that wasn't festooned with red arrows and lightning bolts and exclamation points and skulls-and-crossbones...was Manitoba! My wife and I, despite being only a few days from Xmas, were guilty of some decidedly un-Christian smugness and chortling.
I'm seeing similar weather conditions as
tlindsey is, it was 42F at midnight last night, I woke up briefly at 6 AM due to high winds hurling snow at the windows and checked the house thermostat which showed it was 4F. When I finally got up at 8:30 AM, the temp was 1F and it looks like we got about 3 inches of snow though it's hard to tell since the wind is still blowing hard.
I've just seen a UK news bulletin highlighting the horrendous weather conditions currently in many parts of the US. They're calling it a "bomb cyclone", a term I'm not familiar with.
Stay save you members who are slap bang in the middle of it all.