How’s the weather?

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I must admit that I get a certain perverse pleasure out of hearing that someone else is even colder than we are here in my area. We're right around -20C now, about 5 degrees colder last night, with a warming trend over the next week forecast...about typical for this time of year. You're definitely in a cold snap, RD. RD. but I'm sure it isn't the first time and it won't be the last. You're inconvenienced, but not terrified and not unprepared.

But it's a little scarier to hear the forecast for so many people further south who may never have seen this kind of weather, especially if they're on the younger side. Time to hunker down and bundle up, and don't leave your dogs outside even if they are accustomed to your "normal" winter weather. I shudder to think of the homeless in areas about to be hard hit.

It's simple: they can't. They seem to bat about 50/50 on forecasts for a week ahead. A whole year, or a whole season? Ha! The weather supercomputer pulls a forecast out of its digital anus...the meteorologists blithely repeat it...and then one of two things happens.

Possibility #1: the forecast turns out to be correct. "See? See? We told you this would happen!"

Possibility #2: the actual weather does not even resemble the forecast; it's as though two different planets are being discussed. Crickets...followed by the next forecast...:)

1987 will forever go down in blighty folklore as the year of the great storm, or what we now know as an "extra tropical Cyclone".

It was mid October and the weather man on tele who, afterwards, for all the wrong reasons, became a household name. His name was Michael Fish and during his evening weather bulletin tried to calm people down, some who had rang in beforehand about tales of a hurricane on its way to us.

He calmly told everyone this certainly wasn't the case. During that evening, I think it was 15th-16th October, the worst storm in our history hit us!

To be fair to him, I suppose the meteorological technology of the time wasn't half as advanced as it is now, but still, he made a right arse of the weather that evening, lol.
What? 1987?

That was before we knew about Covid and Global Warming and Darth Trump and the fact that there are 18 different genders. We didn't realize that literally everybody is special and unique, just like everybody else. Kids in school either got a passing grade...or they failed! Nobody was Woke yet, we were all sound asleep.

That weatherman should be hailed as a folk hero. If he hadn't screwed up...who could we blame???
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The funny thing is that my girlfriend at the time was very heavily pregnant with my first child. Virtually the whole term she had those cravings which most pregnant women experience. The one which sticks out most was a craving for jars of pickled cockles!!

That evening I remember she ran out of them and asked me to go to the shops. I was 19 years old and hadn't even passed my driving test, let alone have a car, so I walked. And I nearly drowned on the way back....all thanks to Mr Fish!!

It's weird how I remember something so vividly given it was 35 years ago, wow.
I wouldn't ever forget that

I don't know what it is about pickled cockles, but my current wife actually loves them too. Women eh, they're a funny bunch, lol.

Definitely wouldn't forget that!

Nowadays I can laugh about that excursion to the shops 35 years ago, but it was traumatic as hell at the time, lol.
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Let me guess, Esox...that first child grew up to be...a weatherman! :)
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Let me guess, Esox...that first child grew up to be...a weatherman! :)

Sadly, no! I can just imagine the headlines if that actually happened.....

"Young child grows up to be a weather reporter and takes the job of the weatherman who nearly drowned her poor father decades earlier." Lol.
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