How Long Has Your Equipment Lasted?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
2 rena xp4's 5 years
4 rena xp3's 5 years
1 rena xp2 5 years

i have not had 1 single mechanical issue with any of these filters. what i have had is a seal issue after removing the lid to clean.. and to fix taht i pulled the seal out and reinstalled it ,and it was fine. i would buy again . i basically own stock lol
In my experience, any of the Fluval submersible filters are amazing. I've owned them for years and passed them down to family members, who have also already owned some of them for years. Never had one crap out! I'd also give respect to the Rena xp3 and xp4, which I've owned for 3 years and are easy as pie to clean.
The whole classic series from eheim.
I'm working some 2213, 2215, 2217, and my proud and glory 2260 more than 10 years.
The eheim 2260 is the best external filter ever made for me personally..
Hi, newbie here and I want to set up a saltwater tank so Im looking for info on quality supplies and looks like I came to the right place. :) any advice would be appreciated! :)
+200 on the Eheim 2217, finally broke something after years of use, imepller shaft, replaced for $10. Temporarily replaced with a long cylindrical piece of plastic and kept pumping and was still silent <3 Eheim.