Sounds like a plan. I dont know about anyone else but I have always found ca cichlids are at there most aggressive between 3 to 7 years, I have witnessed chilled young fish turn into killers and big old chilled males that used to be. Caught me out a few times when doing community's that there aggression levels can change at a drop of a hat.
I went through that some years back with a mixed CA tank of 'calmer' fish like Regani, Red Bay Snook, Hetrospilus, Pearsei and something else that I cant remember at the moment. All was well until about the 5 year mark and then the changes hit and in the end it was just the big Pearsei because I pretty much had to rehome the rest. After the Pearsei aged out and passed (at least 10 years old), was when I had to get some new stock so the amphilophus project was attempted.
At this point Im pretty sure to make this amph tank succeed it will involve a stock of about 7+ fish, all male with no uber aggressive ones. This probably wont happen because im getting tired of the hard core maintenance. lol
I already have two 75's, two 65B's a 30g and then the 300 that Im attempting an overstocked amph community in. Im really thinking this rehoming of fish will happen sooner than later.