Is your tank overstocked, are you setting up a tank, check this out everybody!

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Lepisosteus platyrhincus;3813172; said:
can u add sculpin, darters and other small native fish? :) there are some of us that keep them!!


Scientific names please... :D
yhbae01;3809899; said:
What's new for 2010 01 21 build:

- Added Freshwater Shark (Wallago attu).
- Added Wallago leeri.
- Added Arapaima gigas.
- Added Wolf Cichlid (Parachromis dovii).
- Added Dwarf Chain Loach as an alias to Dwarf Loach.
- Added Queen/Bengal/Geto Loach (Botia dario).
- Added Forktail Rainbowfish (Pseudomugil Furcatus).
- Added Honey Blue Eye (Pseudomugil mellis).
- Added Delicate Blue Eye (Pseudomugil tenellus).
- Added Spotted Blue Eye (Pseudomugil gertrudae).
- Added Blue Back Blue Eye (Pseudomugil cyanodorsalis).
- Added Albino Tiger Barb as an alias to Tiger Barb.
- Added Abei Puffer (Monotrete Abei).
- Added Red Tailed Redeye Puffer (Carinotetraodon irrubesco).
- Added Brown Puffer (Monotrete Turgidus).
- Added Arrowhead Puffer (Monotrete suvattii).
- Added Mbu Puffer (Tetraodon mbu).
- Added Congo Puffer (Tetraodon miurus).
- Added Ceylon Puffer (Tetraodon fluviatilis).
- Added Pungas Catfish (Pangasius pangasius).
- Added Pangasius nasutus.
- Added Pangasius micronemus.
- Added Pangasius larnaudii.
- Added Piraiba (Brachyplatystoma filamentosum).
- Added (Brachyplatystoma rousseauxii).
- Added Cairns Rainbowfish (Cairnsichthys rhombosomoides).
- Added Allens Rainbowfish (Chilatherina alleni).
- Added Axelrods Rainbowfish (Chilatherina axelrodi).
- Added Blehers Rainbowfish (Chilatherina bleheri).
- Added Bulolo Rainbowfish (Chilatherina bulolo).
- Added Highlands Rainbowfish (Chilatherina campsi).
- Added Silver Rainbowfish (Chilatherina crassispinosa).
- Added Barred Rainbowfish (Chilatherina fasciata).
- Added Lorentzs Rainbowfish (Chilatherina lorentzii).
- Added Chilatherina pricei.
- Added Sentani Rainbowfish (Chilatherina sentaniensis).
- Added Tami River Rainbowfish (Glossolepis pseudoincisus).
- Added Grime Rainbowfish (Glossolepis dorityi).
- Added Salmon-Red Rainbowfish (Glossolepis incisus).
- Added Sepik Rainbowfish (Glossolepis kabia).
- Aggression of Clown Knife against other species have been reduced.
- Mouth size of Clown Knife has been reduced to 5 inches.
- Added a note to all eels that they may escape, lids are recommended.
- Bioload for Iridescent Shark has been increased.
- Elephantnose and other electrical fishes have been marked as more friendly towards smaller species. They are also marked incompatible with each other.
- Added Eheim Pickup range of filters.
- Added Cascade 600 filter.
- Added Boyu EF series filters.
- Total number of filters in DB has been increased to 230.
- Total number of species in DB has been increased to 671.

There's still quite a bit of species to add on my wishlist. If your species haven't shown up yet, please be patient!

Please click on AqAdvisor site to access the application.

That. Is. Awesome. :headbang2

You should add some bigger tanks, maybe with a write-in option for dimensions?

Every new fishkeeper should see that!
Bottomfeeder;3813265; said:
That. Is. Awesome. :headbang2

You should add some bigger tanks, maybe with a write-in option for dimensions?

Every new fishkeeper should see that!

What do you mean by write-in option? I have some more tank dimensions between 300 and 500g now. I will be adding those soon, but I don't have any past 500g...

I need more tank dimension examples for 500g+
Like, an option that says
Length ___________
Width ____________
Height ____________
And you can fill them in to make bigger tanks.
Or something for round ponds and pools that's like
Diameter __________
Height __________
Bottomfeeder;3813301; said:
Like, an option that says
Length ___________
Width ____________
Height ____________
And you can fill them in to make bigger tanks.
Or something for round ponds and pools that's like
Diameter __________
Height __________

At least for rectangular tanks, you can do that right now using "User Defined" item. Is this what you meant?
mybrainsfreud;3813326; said:
they dont have my fish. or maybe i cant find them.

1 convict
1 tiger muskie
5 guppies
1 scomberoides
1 red tail cuda

I'm sure convict and guppies are there.

I'll add the rest in my wishlist. Thanks!
What's new for 2010 01 24 build:

- Added Dario Dario as an alias to Scarlet Badis.
- Added Flyspeck Hardyhead (Craterocephalus stercusmuscarum).
- Added Bahia Red (Geophagus sp. Bahia Red).
- Added Tiger Muskie (Esox masquinongy x lucius).
- Added Sabretooth Tetra/Payara (Hydrolycus scomberoides).
- Added Red Tail Barracuda (Acestrorhynchus falcatus).
- Added Long-Tailed River/Antennae Stingray (Plesiotrygon iwamae).
- Added Apistogramma atahualpa.
- Added Apistogramma baenschi.
- Added Apistogramma bitaeniata.
- Added Apistogramma sp. Black-Chin.
- Added Apistogramma borellii.
- Added Apistogramma sp. Broad-banded.
- Added Apistogramma elizabethae.
- Added Apistogramma cf. eunotus Orange-tail.
- Added Apistogramma hongsloi.
- Added Apistogramma sp. Mamor.
- Added Apistogramma sp. Maulbr.
- Added Apistogramma panduro.
- Added Apistogramma sp. Parrot.
- Added Apistogramma cf. resticulosa Mamor.
- Added Apistogramma rupununi.
- Added Apistogramma trifasciata.
- Added Apistogramma uaupesi.
- Added Apistogramma viejita.
- Updated the size of Leopard Bushfish to 6 inches.
- Size of Neon Tetra has been reduced slightly to 1.5 inches.
- Mouth size of Angels and Altum angels have been reduced to 1.5 inches.
- Size of Harlequin Rasbora has been bumped up slgihtly to 1.6 inches.
- Ceylon Puffer has been marked as brackish.
- Updated minimum tank size for African Butterfly Fish to 24x12.
- Updated size of Denisonii to 5.5 inches. Minimum tank size has been set to 36x12.
- Minimum tank height requirement for Spotted Climbing Perch has been significantly reduced.
- Bioload for Angelfish has been increased slightly.
- Bioload for Altum Angel has been increased slightly.
- Minimum tank sizes for large species have been updated.
- Size of Geophagus brasiliensis has been increased to 11 inches.
- Size of Apistogramma agassizii has been increased to 3.5 inches. Also max pH has been reduced to 7.
- Size of Cockatoo Apisto has been increased to 3.5 inches.
- Size of Macmaster Dwarf Cichlid has been increased to 3.5 inches.
- Size of Panda Dwarf Cichlid has been increased to 3.5 inches.
- Size of Steindachner Dwarf Cichlid has been increased to 4 inches.
- Added Lustar Hydro Sponge H0 filter (on the last build to be more accurate).
- Hagen AquaClear filters have been also listed as just "AquaClear filters". Many people didn't realize that they were under "Hagen" brand name.
- Added Marineland Duetto series filters.
- Added Eheim 2080/2180 Professional 3 series filters.
- Added some more large tanks.
- Bug fixed: Sometimes, the app was mis-reporting a warning related to similar shoaling species. This has been fixed.
- New feature: Now juvenile sized species are supported! This feature was a huge pain in the <insert your favorite part here> to implement - there might still be some bugs related to this and overall bioload calculation on these sub-adult sizes, hence may require further fine tuning. Please let me know if it looks right. A bonus - once you enter your species in juvenile sizes, you can flip back and forth between juvenile mode and adult mode. When you flip, the application will automatically re-calculate stocking %, filtration capacity %, and water change % so that you know what you are dealing with once they are grown up. I did not change the warnings so those will continue to assume all species are grown up. Try it out!
- New feature: Now the app allows users to flip between two window sizes. One is ideal for laptop users and the other is ideal for those who use monitors with higher resolutions.
- Total number of tanks in DB has been increased to 66.
- Total number of filters in DB has been increased to 245.
- Total number of species in DB has been increased to 698.
Warning: Peacock Bass Monoculus is not recommended for your tank - it may eventually outgrow your tank space, potentially reaching up to 25 inches.
Warning: Saddled Bichir is not recommended for your tank - it may eventually outgrow your tank space, potentially reaching up to 24 inches.
Warning: Florida Gar is not recommended for your tank - it may eventually outgrow your tank space, potentially reaching up to 24 inches.
Note: Common Pleco needs driftwood.
Warning: Common Pleco is not recommended for your tank - it may eventually outgrow your tank space, potentially reaching up to 18 inches.
Warning: Your selected species may eventually require 171% of your aquarium space. You may need to deal with territorial aggressions later on. Try removing some of (Parachromis managuensis, Polypterus endlicheri endlicheri, Pterygoplichthys pardalis) or get a larger aquarium tank.

Recommended temperature range: 25 - 25 C.
Recommended pH range: 7 - 7.5.
Recommended hardness range: 10 - 12 dH.

Warning: You NEED to add more aquarium filtration capacity!!!

Your aquarium filtration capacity for above selected species is 50%.[SIZE=-1] [/SIZE]:nilly:
Your tank is too small - it will require massive amount of frequent water changes per week!

Your aquarium stocking level is 245%.:WHOA:
Your tank is seriously overstocked. Unless this setup is temporary, you should consider a larger tank.

Guess Im a little over stocked
lucky its a grow out:D
dpk2313;3819103; said:
Warning: Peacock Bass Monoculus is not recommended for your tank - it may eventually outgrow your tank space, potentially reaching up to 25 inches.
Warning: Saddled Bichir is not recommended for your tank - it may eventually outgrow your tank space, potentially reaching up to 24 inches.
Warning: Florida Gar is not recommended for your tank - it may eventually outgrow your tank space, potentially reaching up to 24 inches.
Note: Common Pleco needs driftwood.
Warning: Common Pleco is not recommended for your tank - it may eventually outgrow your tank space, potentially reaching up to 18 inches.
Warning: Your selected species may eventually require 171% of your aquarium space. You may need to deal with territorial aggressions later on. Try removing some of (Parachromis managuensis, Polypterus endlicheri endlicheri, Pterygoplichthys pardalis) or get a larger aquarium tank.

Recommended temperature range: 25 - 25 C.
Recommended pH range: 7 - 7.5.
Recommended hardness range: 10 - 12 dH.

Warning: You NEED to add more aquarium filtration capacity!!!

Your aquarium filtration capacity for above selected species is 50%.:nilly:
Your tank is too small - it will require massive amount of frequent water changes per week!

Your aquarium stocking level is 245%.:WHOA:
Your tank is seriously overstocked. Unless this setup is temporary, you should consider a larger tank.

Guess Im a little over stocked
lucky its a grow out:D

Try it with the NEW Juvy mode! May not be perfect but I need to get some feeling on how close I am from reality with this mode... :D