Is your tank overstocked, are you setting up a tank, check this out everybody!

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
yhbae01;3910549; said:
I have been told that they are docile so I significantly reduced aggression against other species for that one. How long have you had those two combo together? Do you have hiding places for the shrimps during molting process? I would think that a molting shrimp is a food for just about any fish without hiding spots.

EDIT: Now I understand your question. Although all knife fish mouth sizes have been increased (since they really are big), your species has been marked with really low aggression which means it will not produce a warning like "will become food if you mix with...". If it still produces that warning, please let me know.

Tank is planted so yea they have plenty of places to hide, although some of them are pretty bold and just float around in the middle of the pack of all my bigger fish, haha.

I really don't know if all 10 I put in there are still there, but I put them in so long ago and at least most are still alive.

The African Knife I believe doesn't grow as big as the others, so I may have minimal problems for awhile.
Warning: Golden Gourami may become food for Oscar.
Warning: Your selected species may eventually require 190% of your aquarium space. You may need to deal with territorial aggressions later on. Try removing some of (Astronotus ocellatus, Blood Parrot) or get a larger aquarium tank.

Recommended temperature range: 23 - 27 C.
Recommended pH range: 6.5 - 7.5.
Recommended hardness range: 5 - 15 dH.

You have plenty of aquarium filtration capacity.

Your aquarium filtration capacity for above selected species is 145%.
Recommended water change schedule: 39% per week.
Your aquarium stocking level is 111%.
pft..i bought the gourami for the oscar to eat...yet it still persists on living...
What's new for 2010 02 28 build:

- Added Prehistoric Monster Fish (Thalassophryne amazonica).
- Added Dwarf Livebearer/Least Killifish "Male" at 0.6 inches. This species has been split into male/female due to their significant size discrepancies.
- Added Finger Fish/Mono Argentus (Monodactylus argenteus).
- Added Japen Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia japenensis).
- Added Kamaka Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia kamaka).
- Added Lake Kutubu Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia lacustris).
- Added Maylands Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia maylandi).
- Added Clown Killifish (Pseudepiplatys annulatus).
- Added Banded Leporinus (Leporinus fasciatus).
- Added Freshwater Sole (Brachirus selheimi).
- Added False Upside Down Catfish/Common Syno/Lace Catfish (Synodontis nigrita).
- Added Corydoras C079/Corydoras C082/Corydoras C083 (Corydoras loxozonus).
- Size of Dwarf Livebearer/Least Killifish "Female" has been adjusted down to 1.2 inches.
- Temperature requirement for Jaguar Cichlid has been adjusted to 25 - 28C.
- Size of Jaguar Cichlid has been increased to 14 inches.
- Temperature requirement for Bluegill Sunfish has been adjusted to 25 - 33C.
- Temperature requirement for Mayan Cichlid has been adjusted to 20 - 30C.
- Temperature requirement for German Blue Ram has been adjusted to 26 - 30C.
- Freshwater sole, previously defined as an alias to Freshwater Flounder has been replaced by Brachirus selheimi.

- Added Eheim Biofilter series filters.
- Added Aqua Nova canister filters.

- Fixed a layout bug in the copy/paste friendly mode.
- Fixed a bug: if you clear your species selection, it was also clearning filter selections. This has been fixed.

- Cleaned up scientific names on how capital/lower case letters are used.
- Generated image now handles "cm" and "L" units. Decimal places have also been trimmed.
- Advanced search has been expanded to include search using temperature ranges. If you want to search using one temperature value, use the same value for both minimum and maximum temperature range. You can mix two different search criteria together, for example - "search for species between 2 and 3 inches and suitable between 25C and 26C". Works with both "C" and "F".
- Added another "Display in C." or "Display in F." link at the top of the page.

- Total number of filters in DB has been increased to 272.
- Total number of species in DB has been increased to 795.

To access the application, please click on AqAdvisor site.
What's new for 2010 03 07 build:

- Added Licorice Gourami (Parosphromenus deissneri).
- Added African Butterfly Cichlid (Anomalochromis thomasi).
- Added Asian Upside Down Catfish (Mystus leucophasis).
- Added Pterygoplichthys joselimaianus L001 L022.
- Added Misool Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia misoolensis).
- Added Mountain Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia monticola).
- Added Mubi Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia mubiensis).
- Added Black-Banded Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia nigrans).
- Added Ogilbys Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia ogilbyi).
- Added Nicaraguan Cichlid as an alias to Macaw Cichlid.
- Added Male and Female entries for Nicaraguan Cichlid due to their size discrepancies. If you know the sex, use these instead of the generic one.
- Added Banded Cichlid (Heros notatus).
- Added Redhead Severum (Heros sp. Rotkeil).
- Aggression for Honey Blue Eye has been downgraded.
- Aggression for Pacific Blue Eye has been downgraded.
- Aggression for Delicate Blue Eye has been downgraded.
- Minimum tank size for Scarlet Badis has been increased to 16x8.
- Minimum tank size for Black Phantom Tetra has been increased to 20x10.
- Minimum tank size for Black Skirt Tetra has been increased to 20x10.
- Minimum tank size for Penguin Tetra has been increased to 20x10.
- Minimum tank size for Platinum Hatchet has been increased to 20x10.
- Minimum tank size for Marble Hatchet has been increased to 20x10.
- Bioloads for all Rainbowfishes have been adjusted slightly (mostly up).
- Removed a duplicated entry for Lake Kutubu Rainbowfish. If you have this species bookmarked, you may no longer see this in your setup. Please select it again.
- Further updated attributes for Banded Leporinus, including size.
- Aggression of Royal Pleco against other species have been reduced.
- Scientific name for Severum has been updated to Heros efascticious.

- Total number of species in DB has been increased to 810.

To access the application, please click on AqAdvisor site.

If you have any species that are missing in AqAdvisor DB, please let me know!!!
Deaths Sting;3727647; said:
scroll down, its at the bottom of the screen. did u u push update at the top right? i did and it screwed it all up...

Warning: Clown Loach is not recommended for your tank - it may eventually outgrow your tank space.
wow, its says a 120 gallon wide is to small for a clown loach but not an Oscar? lol?!

It told me that I don't have adequate filtration for my 75 gallon with 6- 1 inch CL's...

I have the AC110.
125 gal tank

5 adult Green Terrors, 4 juveniles 2-5"
1 adult severum
1 adult firemouth
1 juvenile Midas 2.5"
1 juvenile pleco 3"

Note: Common Pleco needs driftwood.
Warning: Common Pleco is not recommended for your tank - it may eventually outgrow your tank space, potentially reaching up to 18 inches.
Warning: Your selected species may eventually require 206% of your aquarium space. You may need to deal with territorial aggressions later on. Try removing some of (Heros efascticious, Thorichthys meeki, Pterygoplichthys pardalis, Amphilophus citrinellus, Andinoacara rivulatus) or get a larger aquarium tank.

Recommended temperature range: 24 - 24 C. [SIZE=-1][Display in Farenheit][/SIZE]
Recommended pH range: 6.5 - 7.5.
Recommended hardness range: 1 - 10 dH.

You have plenty of aquarium filtration capacity.

Your aquarium filtration capacity for above selected species is 195%.
Recommended water change schedule: 31% per week.
Your aquarium stocking level is 122%.[SIZE=-1] [Generate Image][/SIZE]

I agree in general with the assessment.

I love your site! You have done a great job so far and this is a very difficult task, especially with compatibility suggestions. What a great resource for the novice fishkeeper!

I applaud the warnings, especially the final adult size issues, but perhaps that would be more practical and useful if you could add a likely time frame for the fish at issue to outgrow the tank.

I think that this should be available in every LFS for the novice, but I doubt that any but the most responsible store owners would use it. Most would avoid it like the plague---they thrive on selling fish to novices that then die or kill their tankmates causing the novice to return for more fish! Not very smart, as the successful novice rpaidly becomes an experienced fishkeeper, and then often becomes addicted to 'more' like many of us on this forum---more tanks, more fish, mo bigger, mo better!
mshill90;3956916; said:
It told me that I don't have adequate filtration for my 75 gallon with 6- 1 inch CL's...

I have the AC110.

You probably used adult mode. Try the "juvy mode" and enter the actual size of your fish.