I replaced the rear trusswork with new galvanized tubing. This will stiffen the tail and provide more axle clearance. My axles struck the previous braces on a hard launch.

New spring plate covers didn't need to be chrome, but they were available. I did not have to order them.

But I definitely needed new ones. These things were rusted out.
Hoisting off the front axle.
Checking the frame for twist and warp. It’s got them both.
The underside of the head frame is a patchwork of repairs.
I start chopping out the rusty bits.
There was no saving this mess. I chopped off the whole bottom of the headframe.
That charred mess is the remains of a mouse nest that caught on fire as I was grinding through the steel With an angle grinder and the cut off wheel.
It’s hard to tell what’s going on here but the entire bottom of the Volkswagen tunnel was rusted away and patched over with steel plates.
I flushed out the tunnel with a water hose and an air hose, and then dried it with the shop vac. There was a lot of burnt mouse nest still inside there.