Those frame rails presented the perfect shape for what I’m doing, plus there are other advantages to using them along with other parts I already have.
I did not realize what poor condition they were in due to the rust and cracks. Fortunately I am able to repair everything well.

This one had a bigger crack than the other one but they were both successfully welded.

Soon I will be attaching these rails permanently, and that is the point of no return for them.
But who am I kidding? The real point of no return is when I took the electric nibbler to the Volkswagen floor pan and chopped it to fit the profile of the car.
I did not realize what poor condition they were in due to the rust and cracks. Fortunately I am able to repair everything well.

This one had a bigger crack than the other one but they were both successfully welded.

Soon I will be attaching these rails permanently, and that is the point of no return for them.
But who am I kidding? The real point of no return is when I took the electric nibbler to the Volkswagen floor pan and chopped it to fit the profile of the car.