jcardona1's Aqua Forest: GONE LIVE!!!

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
dhgyello04;2294665;2294665 said:
wow... I feel for you budd..

All that waiting and all that planning to have this... I would be pissed... Hope you find out the problem and get that bad boy back to normal... are the fish still in there?

yeah man i knew this was coming. i think it happens to everybody that sets up a planted tank, just part of the learning curve. i feel a little better now that i saw Tom's reply and the fact that the water looks a little clearer today.

And yeah the fish are still in there. ive had two suicides though since the tank isnt covered. they jumped ship :)
I think a little more time allowing for your growing bacterial colony to hit its optimal level will cure what ails you. Hang in there it will all come together.
DRgrits;2294755;2294755 said:
I think a little more time allowing for your growing bacterial colony to hit its optimal level will cure what ails you. Hang in there it will all come together.
Thanks, yeah this could be a big cause for the problem as well since its such a new tank. Ammonia levels are still at 0 meaning they havent even started to build up, and of course, no bacteria is established in the filter yet...
Should have just added water from day one ;)
Jag1980;2294972;2294972 said:
Should have just added water from day one ;)
ha yeah right, that would have been even worse
Jag1980;2294972; said:
Should have just added water from day one ;)

I disagree with you there… I commend Jose in trying something new and out of the ordinary. You learn from your mistakes and if everyone did this hobby the same it would probably be boring. It is also a good tool in helping people like me that are not very deep in this hobby by letting me know what to expect if I was to ever do what he did. There are more was to get to a certain destination in what your trying to accomplish. He just did it a different way.
dhgyello04;2294994;2294994 said:
I disagree with you there… I commend Jose in trying something new and out of the ordinary. You learn from your mistakes and if everyone did this hobby the same it would probably be boring. It is also a good tool in helping people like me that are not very deep in this hobby by letting me know what to expect if I was to ever do what he did. There are more was to get to a certain destination in what your trying to accomplish. He just did it a different way.
thanks Don! but this dry start / emersed method is really due to Tom Bar and his incredible wealth of knowledge in the planted tank hobby. he has perfected this method and countless others have had success as well.

and in reality, the issues im having have nothing to do with water being added at the beginning or six weeks later. youre gonna have algae issues regardless. as far as the HC melt off, that will also happen if you immediately plant them in a submerged tank.

its all just part of the game :)
im cutting back on my ferts and light also...i hope this solves my problem cause its got me going nuts!!...my tank has been up and running for about 6 months...so for this to come now sucks
1SiCk Mk3;2295017;2295017 said:
im cutting back on my ferts and light also...i hope this solves my problem cause its got me going nuts!!...my tank has been up and running for about 6 months...so for this to come now sucks
yeah im confident this will solve our issues. as lots of others have said, the lighting is your gas pedal. give it too much gas and your gonna have problems. gotta find the 'sweet spot' to keep cruising while being safe :)
yea...im just surprised becuase i only have half the light u have...i have 108 watts of t5ho in a 55...one 6700 bulb and one 10k...i leave it on for about 8 hours...im gonna go to 6 and see what happens...if anything then go back up to 7...i finally got my bba and thread algea wraped up though