jcardona1's Aqua Forest: GONE LIVE!!!

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Nic;2290592; said:
looks great bro....

thanks man, nice avatar btw :D

Caoboy;2290646; said:
Hit up plantetank.net and see what they say.

yeah ill do that later. i cant use photobucket to host the pics since im at work and you can only attach like 2 pics over there on their servers...

R1_Ridah;2290652; said:
very nice regardless of the green water, which I'm sure you will resolve.

I've been thinking of setting up a planted tank as of late. I would like to set something up in my living room. Actually, i've been thinking of even just doing a nice pond in the back yard. I'm looking to go another direction with the hobby.

thanks man, hopefully i can get it straightened out. yeah a planted tank is always a nice compliment to a monster tank! maybe one day do a reef tank as well! i like to try a little bit of everything so you dont get bored with one thing.

give it a try!!! :)
im having the same problem with green water as of late...i noticed that when i started dosing new ferts it happen...im pretty sure the green water has something to do with it...and that might be ur case too...if ur doing i/e turn it down a bit and see if it goes away...i dont have test kits for everything so really cant do much untill i get it...i never had green water for months when i first set up the tank...but i just used to dose with fourite and thats it...now that i started using other ferts ive been having the problem...like i said...im sure its either we have to much or too little of something in the tank...let me know what u find out and if something works for u
1SiCk Mk3;2291917;2291917 said:
im having the same problem with green water as of late...i noticed that when i started dosing new ferts it happen...im pretty sure the green water has something to do with it...and that might be ur case too...if ur doing i/e turn it down a bit and see if it goes away...i dont have test kits for everything so really cant do much untill i get it...i never had green water for months when i first set up the tank...but i just used to dose with fourite and thats it...now that i started using other ferts ive been having the problem...like i said...im sure its either we have to much or too little of something in the tank...let me know what u find out and if something works for u
yeah i think it might have something to do with the ferts of the lighting. i just posted a thread on PT.net, lets see what they suggest. this sucks, but i guess its just part of the process of setting up a successful planted tank! :cry:
just do waterchanges? sorry for my ignorance though. I imagen the reaction would stop if you had less of it with water.
Caoboy;2292753; said:
I think you are dosing too much of one thing, and not enough of another. That should solve your problem! LOL

lol thanks! well on PT.net they said i should cut my lighting, so thats what i did. i also ordered the 24w UV from petsmart, should be here next week. as for dosing, i have no friggin clue. im gonna reduce the dosing of nitrates since theyre pretty high (about 40ppm) but i dont know about potassium, phosphates, and trace minerals since i cant test these.

im just gonna start dosing a little less of each and see what happens. somebody also said that the HC could still be going thru some emersed-to-submerged melt down. he said he was seeing die off up to 3 weeks after filling it with water. this could also be it.

im losing my mind!!! :nilly:

Liam;2293021; said:
just do waterchanges? sorry for my ignorance though. I imagen the reaction would stop if you had less of it with water.

i havent tried it, but everything ive read online says that water changes will not help or might even make green water worse. the best ways to get rid of it are either with a UV light, diatom filter, or blackout periods...
Ok, quick update. I got this great reply from the famous Tom Barr himself:

And the winner is..............

New tank issue, see NO2's...............
Dosing is not the issue here.

Even if you dosed full EI, the water change removes the build up.
You likely do not need to dose that much, maybe 1/2 or even less if it;'s all HC, but once it gets growing well, that will change.

HC takes about 2-3 weeks to get going like many foreground plants and then grows like mad.

That intern period is tough.
I got around that easy using the Dry Start method.
Bacteria is all ready to go, the roots are well established.
No GW.

GW is not a NO3/PO4 issue, it's a NH4 and no bacterial colony issue.
You can have high plant biomass and still get GW.

Tom Barr

Also, i went home for lunch and it i can start to see the shadows of my rocks again!! lol, i think it may be starting to clear slowly. i think my lighting was a bit much. i will also cut my EI dosing in half, and dose the recommended levels for a 20~40g tank rather than a 40~60g tank. Here's a pic. It was worse than this a few days ago :eek:

wow... I feel for you budd..

All that waiting and all that planning to have this... I would be pissed... Hope you find out the problem and get that bad boy back to normal... are the fish still in there?
