jcardona1's Aqua Forest: GONE LIVE!!!

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
dhgyello04;2263772; said:
Hats off to you Jose....

That is a fine looking tank. congrats.... Maybe you could help me set one up...and keep me away from it because I would just fill it with water and dump the damn fish in ... ha ha ha


thanks a lot Don!! just say when, we'll take a trip to Tropical and pick up everything you need :D

robmcd;2263826; said:
Jcardona amano!! Looks great man!! Vert professional setup you have there. I cant wait for it to fill out.....

thanks man! jcardona amano, haha i like that! but far from it, its only been a week, still gotta see if the plants are gonna live :)
wow. very nice. I planted my 10g tank and I want to add the plants you have on the bottom of the tank. the very very small ones. what are they called?
xiahaolong168;2263991;2263991 said:
wow. very nice. I planted my 10g tank and I want to add the plants you have on the bottom of the tank. the very very small ones. what are they called?
thanks! the ground cover is Hemianthus callitrichoides ' Cuba ' (HC). They are fairly demanding plant and need good light/co2/fert levels. im still hoping i have success with this plant as my tank has only been submerged for a week...
Looks awesome. The espei were a good choice once you pack the tank with them, it will look even better. Good luck with the plants. I'm planning on setting up a more high tech setup than I've done before in my 75 once the current fish are in the 120, but I'm still afraid to try Hemianthus
Looking good man..Get on top of that algae though, get it outta there asap, and get some shrimp in asap! Look on PlanteTank.net for good deals.
Caoboy;2264887;2264887 said:
Looking good man..Get on top of that algae though, get it outta there asap, and get some shrimp in asap! Look on PlanteTank.net for good deals.
thanks man! im on the lookout for a little starter colony. maybe start off with 20 or so. lemme know if you find some good deals ($1/shrimp, etc). How quickly/readily do these guys breed?

If i dont murder these shrimp, i might try some crystal reds down the road, then eventually venture off into the rarer strains...
Um...get at least 20, I'd go with like 30-40, so you can ward off inbreeding, or go with like 20 cherries, 20 minami, you'll end up with browns, but you know you'd not have inbreeding then, at least in the first couple of generations.

Other than that, crs and the rarer strains are cool, but definitely not worth the prices people pay for them (to me).

As far as breeding, put them in the tank, and look for babies in a couple weeks.

As long as your water quality is good they'll breed, like rabbits.
J, I gotta say, you did one all out, amazing job on this tank. Not only for it's current appearance, but for all the planning and developing that went into it. Again, hats off to you, I would have never had the patience for this. LOL.

And yep, its BGA, no worries, siphon it out (don't scrub or you only spread it, it's thin and will come off in sheets or break into a million strands). Get a 3/4" hose or thinner and suck it off the glass and any rock surfaces you can. Using a stiff small paintbrush works well to corral it into the tube and not break it up too much. It's gonna bloom for a bit because your BB colonies are still establishing, so there are fluctuations, but as long as you keep it in check now, it should subside and not pose a problem later on with regular maintenance.