water_baby83;2267798; said:J, I gotta say, you did one all out, amazing job on this tank. Not only for it's current appearance, but for all the planning and developing that went into it. Again, hats off to you, I would have never had the patience for this. LOL.
And yep, its BGA, no worries, siphon it out (don't scrub or you only spread it, it's thin and will come off in sheets or break into a million strands). Get a 3/4" hose or thinner and suck it off the glass and any rock surfaces you can. Using a stiff small paintbrush works well to corral it into the tube and not break it up too much. It's gonna bloom for a bit because your BB colonies are still establishing, so there are fluctuations, but as long as you keep it in check now, it should subside and not pose a problem later on with regular maintenance.
gangster;2267810; said:WOw...Never new a 55g planted tank could or would be that complex(shows how little I know...newb). Very nice tank..she's a beaut now, cant wait to see how it looks in a few months w/ all the life in the tank. Very nice.
Gr8KarmaSF;2279935; said:Amazing!!!
Eleven Bravo;2279959; said:good job. Looking good! cant wait to see it grow out. nice!
yeah i might try turning off the second bank of lights for about a week to see what that does. really, water changes worked for you? everything i read said that water changes wouldnt help, interesting.oOMO3NOo;2289618;2289618 said:maybe try running two bulbs instead of 4 (even during your burst) because you actually do not have that much plant mass.
i have heard the magnum filter with the micron cartridge works well for green water and polishes the water amazingly well so even after you get rid of green water you can still use it to polish the water and make it crystal clear. just an option. what worked for me with my green water was doing 50% water changes a day for a week an then it was gone. but i also have a smaller tank so it was alot easier to do that. good luck with the green water.