Keeping Gar in a Pond?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
give him time. hes only 17. a little harder to do a project like this at that age.
I'm not asking him to FINISH the project, but least get it started.

It's not that hard to catch/order a fish and release it into a pond.
I'm pretty sure my 12 year old cousin could handle at least that much.
Hey, I'm trying. I'm going to see about getting a few from the same guy Lep is getting a few from, but looking at how that has been going for him with them dieing during shipping my odds don't see to be very good. I also have been fishing a lot more frequently with baits that have been recommended for catching gar, but no luck yet; I contacted the PA Fish Commission to make sure I'm not wasting my time trying to fish for them and was told that there is a strong population were I'm fishing for them.
Wiggles92;3244360; said:
Hey, I'm trying. I'm going to see about getting a few from the same guy Lep is getting a few from, but looking at how that has been going for him with them dieing during shipping my odds don't see to be very good. I also have been fishing a lot more frequently with baits that have been recommended for catching gar, but no luck yet; I contacted the PA Fish Commission to make sure I'm not wasting my time trying to fish for them and was told that there is a strong population were I'm fishing for them.

See, now this is what I like to hear.:D

I too want to order some Gar from KC but like you I am going to wait until he gets his shipping thing down. Strange that you haven't caught one yet. Are you using surface type lures at night? I would think that's what works best. We don't have any Gar in the wild out here where I am at so I am not sure how to fish them. I have heard that people just dump wet cat food in the water at night and they come out to feed, then just put a big light on them and scoop them with the net.

Keep us updated and good luck. :headbang2
u catch any u let me know!!
Wiggles92;3055583; said:
Ok, and how much would six alligator gar set me back lol?

Check out I got my alligator gar in february and hes still kicking. Im putting him in my pond as well. I ended up spending $65 for the fish and $45 on shipping for one. I dont know if you get a discount on shipping or fish if u buy in a sort of "Bulk". Hope this helps
Talk to JourneyKC on here... I am waiting until the 14-15th when he says he'll have the shipping down pat and more Gar. He's a good guy who has access to quality Shortnose and/or Longnose Gar for a very good price. You need to contact him ASAP.