Lets see those Hypsophrys Nicaraguensis (Nicaragua Cichlid)

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
thats cool, thanks for clearing that up. I have no clue what my locality is but mine is starting to get some green on his face, so i'll go ahead and assume Costa Rican until he grows up and gets his full colours
Wow nice Nics everyone. Here's a video update of my pair. Not sure if I have M or F. Sorry for the poor video quality but one of my Nics has started to get some great color! He/she is the most aggressive in the tank.

The one you keep focusing on with the colours is a female, and the less colourful larger one is the male. you do seem to have M/F so congrats!. thats also a great looking female Nic.
fish to the left looks male, males have dots and patterns in their fins, females lack this. at small sizes all nics look the same until the males develop this pattern in the fins.
Well I don't have any pics to post this time around but I do have a question and figured I'd get the best responses here... Not meaning to hijack!

Ok, so I introduced my new male Nic into my 135gal (where my female has been residing). I first did a water change to stir everyone up a bit and turned off the lights. The first 20 minutes there was quite a bit of aggression between both my male and female Nic. A lot of gill flaring and some lip locking. It has now been about an hour and things have seemed to calm down a bit.The male is still occasionally chasing her and doing a bit of displaying while my female is definitely trying to avoid him. My question is, how long should I let things try and work themselves out before separating them? I'm hoping I don't wake up to a beat and ragged female...
If you do get a ragged female its not too bad because they do regenerate pretty quickly if you keep them seperated. my Nic male is very aggressive but he also does back down. my vieja ripped all the scales off the left side of my oscars gill plate and upper body then pulled his eye out. the oscar is now almost fully recovered and its only been about 4 days. obviously the eye won't grow back but he doesnt seem to bothered.

I kept an eye on my oscar and for over an hour he was fine, then i went out came back and found it half beaten to death. so you want to keep a close eye on them, and if he hasnt instantly beaten the **** out of here in my eyes thats a sign that at least he doesn't want to kill her?
Well everyone made it through the first night. I kept the moonlights on in hope it would deter any murderous behavior. My female has some nicked fins but nothing to serious as of yet. The male is still actively chasing her which unfortunately looks more like outright aggression than anything else. Not sure how things will play out and how long I should try and let them work things out for themselves? My female is obviously stressed as she is quite a bit darker than usual and is keeping up towards the large piece of driftwood I have suspended in the tank... Any words of advice?
okay, does she seem perfectly happy and normal behaviour but occasionally he harasses her, or does she seem like she is cowering in fear and hiding. does she display natural behaviour or does she seem repressed and scared?

my fish regularly rag eachothers fins up, they repair pretty quickly.
I'd say it's 50/50. She is still eating well and greets me when I am in front of the tank, but other than that she is pretty much hiding and trying to avoid the male. I've heard Nics are hard to pair up so I'm guessing this isn't anything out of the ordinary. I may have to start back at square one and buy a group of young juveniles. They are just very hard to come by here locally and even online. The only person I have seen offering them is Rapps...