Lets see those Hypsophrys Nicaraguensis (Nicaragua Cichlid)

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Spartacus, good looking make Nic from what I could see. The vid made me a bit dizzy, lol. About how big is he, and at what size did he start to really color up and develop that big ol' knot on his head?[/QUOTE]

sorry about the vid quality!lol...he actually was an extra male I threw in the flo-ho tank.It looked like he might get picked off,but turned the tide on them.He really beefed-up,as I put a lot of food for the flowerhorns,aroun6in. here is a video when they were younger
Wow good vids Spartacus, looking like a good little pair you have there!
Well I'm a little late here :).

Some great Nics. I love the blue Costa Rican females.

Here are my 4 year olds. Male about 8" Female about 5+"

Here is Big Boy. And yes he is that red.



I have about 40 1.5"+ babies from this pair that I really need to sell if anyone is interested.

Good looking pair and great pics MonteSS. At what size did your male begin to develop that knot on his head? Hopefully my male will turn out like yours as he looks great.
very nice,Bill! I had to trade mine for some fossorochromis rostratus,but I have a bunch of juvies around 3in.I will get another pair and will keep them.Gotta love those eyes!
Well I'm a little late here :).

Some great Nics. I love the blue Costa Rican females.

Here are my 4 year olds. Male about 8" Female about 5+"

Here is Big Boy. And yes he is that red.



I have about 40 1.5"+ babies from this pair that I really need to sell if anyone is interested.



Seeing pictures of your nic pair is the reason I sought out mine. You have a stunning pair and IMO the best looking male I've ever seen.