• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Lots of pics past and present

Pretty Pretty. I like it :)
The biggest is just over an inch.They grow really slow.
Great fish though and hopefully worth the wait.
They are always together and are not shy at all.
I have become very fond if them,can't wait till they mature.
I have just added two new power heads to get extra oxygen in the water.Lents like a high oxygen content and I want them to do well.
The biggest is just over an inch.They grow really slow.
Great fish though and hopefully worth the wait.
They are always together and are not shy at all.
I have become very fond if them,can't wait till they mature.
I have just added two new power heads to get extra oxygen in the water.Lents like a high oxygen content and I want them to do well.
I think the power heads would help,,, looking forward to see how they turn out, got any plans for the 4 ft tank?
Yeah,loads of plans.I just can't make up my mind though.I may do a West African biotope. Not sure yet.
I am also tempted at some small puffers.
I did have a spare tank and kept thinking of doing a snakeheads, but I have accidentally on purpose bought a replacement for my 6 ft that's drilled so going to use it as a sump now
I've also been looking into dwarf snakeheads. Some of them are lovely. So much choice it's hard to choose.
I also miss my old sajica.I wouldn't mind another pair of those.
Yeah,loads of plans.I just can't make up my mind though.I may do a West African biotope. Not sure yet.
I am also tempted at some small puffers.
Cichlids such as jewels, kribensis and their buddies or tilapines?

I think a well scaped tank for A. Thomasi would be amazing, they are small and fairly social and will live just fine with many of their kind around. I would love them but they are not on stocking lists wherever i go :(
Cichlids such as jewels, kribensis and their buddies or tilapines?

I think a well scaped tank for A. Thomasi would be amazing, they are small and fairly social and will live just fine with many of their kind around. I would love them but they are not on stocking lists wherever i go :(

Pelvicachromis transvestitus is the cichlid I was considering most.Beautiful little dwarf species.
I also like A thomasi for all the reasons you mentioned.
Both species would be nice for a planted biotope.
Pelvicachromis transvestitus is the cichlid I was considering most.Beautiful little dwarf species.
I also like A thomasi for all the reasons you mentioned.
Both species would be nice for a planted biotope.
The Transvestitus looks very cool. I would really like to see since it seems to be a very under appreciated area in the hobby.

On that note are there larger west African species that can live with larger species, such as African Knives and smaller bichirs? The tank in question is also a 4ft 70 gallon