Making my 800 gal larger.


MFK Member
May 8, 2006
North east Ohio
This is not the first time the city of Orwell has gotten a little crazy about things like this... I had put in a fence, I had no clue I needed a permit. The letter was sent out the same day I was putting the posts in the ground. By the time it arrived in the mail with a STOP your project thing I was finished with the fence. Some people just need to get a life. I constantly tell my kids when they try and tell on each other or say "But she's doing it" Worry about yourself, the more time you spend worring about what your sister or brother is doing the less time you have to do what you want to do....


MFK Member
May 8, 2006
North east Ohio
This was written and posted on another forum I belong to. I , of course think it’s excellent! Feel free to do with it what you please.

[quote name='BenPursglove' date='Mar 23 2009, 08:55 PM' post='2317586']
OK if anyone wants to help support the project please see the email at the bottom of this post.

I'm sure a little spammage from this site will soon sort them out and we can enjoy some more vids. Replace the "etc" at the end of the mail with your mail is going as soon as I post this.

Dear Sir / Madam

It has recently come to my attention that you have recently served Lora& Jonathan Strazinsky (address unknown) with a “stop zoning and/or building violation” order via:
Orwell Zoning Commision
c/o Vicki Thomson
179 West Main Street
Orwell Ohio 44076

Whilst I understand that the laws of your county must be upheld, I think I must internationally state my disagreement regarding the issues surrounding this zoning order. Lora and Jonathan Strazinsky, in my opinion, do a particularly great service locally and to the wider USA community, as they re-house large to very large tropical fish that any negligent previous owner did not realize would grow so big for their fish tank upon buying them. This negligence is routed in fish shop supplying these creatures but there is no jurisdiction in place to stop these shops from doing so.
Lora and Jonathan Strazinsky do not ask for any profit nor recompense for their valued service and seek to further re-house said rescued fish into local attractions and beauty spots that will accommodate them comfortably in time.
For some while now I have been an admirer of Jonathan Strazinsky’s excellent work online, as I believe it embodies the true meaning of the word charity. Charity that is aimed at fish-keepers less knowledgeable than himself, who, in the act of fish keeping, and who decide to try to keep large adult fish in an uncomfortable, near death state in their homes wish to re-house their mistakes. I do not belive he seeks recompense from your juristiction nor from the USA government in the upkeep of these animals, yet.
In short, Jonathan’s work, in my opinion should be admired by your community and much more widely appreciated also, as he is running a non profit organization, I implore you to remove the zoning order. I am a fish keeper and animal owner / lover myself and cannot abide when a creature is destroyed because the owner is negligent. I hope that you will have the good sense to understand the work of Lora and Jonathan Strazinsky, understand what they do and therefore remove the zoning order and uphold the removal as soon as possible.
Yours faithfully


If you want to support this guy email the above code to: unfortunately poor Cindy is the only point of contact on their contact page... she'll be busy then...


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Jun 4, 2007
Los Osos, CA
Sent my own wording to that self important PITA ;)


MFK Member
Oct 10, 2006
Charleston, WV
Letter sent, hope it helps.

Dear Sir / Madam

It has recently come to my attention that you have recently served Lora& Jonathan Strazinsky (address unknown) with a “stop zoning and/or building violation” order via:

Orwell Zoning Commission
c/o Vicki Thomson
179 West Main Street
Orwell Ohio 44076

I just wanted to let you know what a great service this couple provides. By offering a place to take fish that have grown too large for an average home aquarium they are not only saving the fish but they are also helping to protect our ecosystem. By offering a home for these fish they are keeping them out of our local lakes, streams, and rivers. They also rescue reptiles that could otherwise be released into the wild.

I recently had a fish that had grown too large for my 210 gallon aquarium. I tried for several months to find it a good home for it but I had no luck. I came across Lora and Jonathan Strazinsky's web site and sent them an e-mail. Within a day I heard back from Jonathan saying that he had found a home for my fish. The giant gourami, which was over 20" long, that Jonathan rescued is going to be permanently housed in the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo. It will temporarily be housed in Jonathan's home aquarium. Without his assistance I would have never known to contact the zoo. The fish would have continued to be cramped in too small of an aquarium and the zoo would have lost a wonderful addition.

I also want to mention that Jonathan drove over two hours each way to meet me to retrieve the fish. He did not request to be paid for the service he provided. The only thing I gave him was $25 to cover part of his gas for the trip. I'm sure that he lost money by rescuing the fish.

In short, I just want to say that it would be a disservice to everyone involved if Jonathan and Lora are penalized for offering such a great service.

Thank you,


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Jun 4, 2007
Los Osos, CA
TheFishGuy;2940098; said:
Oh boy......
LOL, don't worry, I was PC.


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Jun 4, 2007
Los Osos, CA
basslover34;2940829; said:
PC in Canada Means something TOTALLY Different in the States :ROFL: :grinno:
I didn't include a copy en Francais if that's what you mean :p