Heres another one, not too different though. I will search and try to find some good head-on views.
The coloration does not normally look this nice though
Thanks. And no, my leerii is kept alone. He was previously with a similarly sized Tiger Shovelnose but he would attack the shovelnose and torment it. So i gave the TSN away and the leerii is alone and happy.
Maybe when i get a MUCH bigger tank i will try some HUGE tankmates.
Its a funny fish, displays habits similar to large puffers. It will acknowledge my entrance into the room and expect a treat. Its kind of like a dog.
Great as a solitary fish.
Here's my monster Wallago...
Been caught at Tahan river in Malaysia.
Approximately 18kg in weight.
Now its in my grand father's pond....
Hehee I was thinking of putting it in my pond at home at first...
But seeing the monsterous size of this fish...made me to think 2x.
After all, in the pond I've already got some other monster I really dont want to lose again my lovely fishes.
I keep a roughly 30" attu in with a 17" rtc and two common plecos and a 9" ripsaw and have not had any problems with the current situation but in the past i have had 3 aros lost to my attu. right now they are kept in a 240 but i have a 600 gallon that i am waiting for a pump to run the filtration. Only warning i can give with an attu is they like the taste of arowana.