Finished the house renovations so I was able to move Terry’s tank back into our living room.
He seems to enjoy the movement and interaction with us a lot more then being in a room where he was only seen twice a day or so, and I definitely enjoy it a lot more too.
His eyes have not fully gotten better though which is a bit of a bummer. Never quite sure what caused It. Stress or maybe I did not have salt mixed enough one time during a water change…will never know I guess
His vision seems fine, his left eye is the worst affected. Still has a noticeable spot on it.
Still smashing food. Prawns and pieces of Pilchard are the favourites lately. Gone off squid a little bit.
Measured him again when moving between tanks. Just a smidge under 9” long.
Still doing water changes twice a week, nitrates are about 5. SG 1.008