Marbled Convict Breeding Project!

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Interesting read. I thought that the "marbled" markings were a double recessive gene, so you wouldn't get any marbled fry from a normally colored parent unless it had the recessive gene.

I thought that myself until I bred a marbled female with my large white male and discovered a lot of the fry had spots. That male is the father of this female. I have been outcrossing my marbled cons so I can continue to breed them while still bringing in fresh blood. There is a blog somewhere that tried to explain how the markings are passed down I will have to find it.
Even if they weren't Marbled but I think they are by the color of the fry already I would still be happy with them since they would have the build of the brute male and the color of the female :)

Interesting read. I thought that the "marbled" markings were a double recessive gene, so you wouldn't get any marbled fry from a normally colored parent unless it had the recessive gene.
Thanks for the response Aquatic Aggression. Your explanation would follow the recessive gene logic - the female has the marbled recessive gene, but it isn't expressed. Her breeding the the marbled male should throw off 1/2 normal, 1/2 marbled fry.
Small update on things! Shined a light into the cave and everyone is a wiggler, no more eggs in sight but the whole back floor of that cave is moving :headbang2Couldn't get any better pictures of the fry since the male sits in the front of the cave when the camera get's near but once it's gone he'll let me look all day :screwy: I did get a picture of the female showing some signs of flaring at the camera though! Again once the fry start free swimming I'm hoping to get some pictures of them.




And here is why taking pictures of the cave it hard! That pesky male :grinno:
I cant wait to see what the fry look like! This spawn should yield about 50% striped and 50% white with a percentage of the white offspring expressing the marbled trait. This cross should yield better marbled fry than what you would get from a marble x marble spawn.
Update time! Everything is going great the fry started free swimming about two days ago and are going strong. There has to be over 100 but not to many. I picked them up some Hikari Tropical First Bites, I'd probably fell to a marketing scheme but I couldn't resist it :grinno: watching them swarm the cloud of food and watching them eat a piece is great. The male is finally showing some signs of aggression when I get near the tank but the parents are getting a little more rough with each other ever since the fry got free swimming. More updates to come and forgive of the cruddy pictures!


Thats alot of fry for such small parents!
Careful not to overfeed, with all these little guys eating they will be making alot of waste. The fry food is simple to use but you can crush regular pellets and flakes down so the fry can eat it. Get some of the freeze dried brine shrimp cubes, excellent fry food.
I know right, I was greatly surprised when I woke up to them swarming the parents. I fed them the recommend amount but I'm going to lower it but they are eating them at least. Only one has died so far and the parents stuck it to the sponge filter :(

Thats alot of fry for such small parents!
Careful not to overfeed, with all these little guys eating they will be making alot of waste. The fry food is simple to use but you can crush regular pellets and flakes down so the fry can eat it. Get some of the freeze dried brine shrimp cubes, excellent fry food.

I'm hoping the colors from the mother stay away, mostly hoping for some really nice marbled markings from this batch :)

i am just assuming, but it looks like there are a lot of pink or marbled convicts in the batch.