Interesting read. I thought that the "marbled" markings were a double recessive gene, so you wouldn't get any marbled fry from a normally colored parent unless it had the recessive gene.
Interesting read. I thought that the "marbled" markings were a double recessive gene, so you wouldn't get any marbled fry from a normally colored parent unless it had the recessive gene.
Interesting read. I thought that the "marbled" markings were a double recessive gene, so you wouldn't get any marbled fry from a normally colored parent unless it had the recessive gene.
Thats alot of fry for such small parents!
Careful not to overfeed, with all these little guys eating they will be making alot of waste. The fry food is simple to use but you can crush regular pellets and flakes down so the fry can eat it. Get some of the freeze dried brine shrimp cubes, excellent fry food.
i am just assuming, but it looks like there are a lot of pink or marbled convicts in the batch.