Filtration will be somewhat simple as i am getting more into setteling chambers lately for their efficiency and easy matinence. So far im positive on an overhead 90 gal (4'x2' footprint already have it) setteling chamber into a 4'x12' with window
"Plant Box" full of photos/plants simply grown over egg crate. Viewing window is to see the swords/guppies that will breed in the plant box under the media and help consume small particles of waste and uneaten food that makes it too them. I'm tired of wasting time cleaning mech pads and sump sludge every day on 26 tanks its driving me insane!!!!!.... My 100 gal heavily stocked Aquaponics system requires no matinence what so ever so i'm duplicating that on a larger scale with the plants. To clean the setteling chamber all i need to do is siphon out the sludge while the whole system is still running or drill a hole for a ball valve/drain. This overhead sump will run off 2 submersible Mag 24's or the largest submersible i can find lol. I will also be setting up a 2'x2'x8' standard style sump drilled at the top 6" of the tank and powered by a Reeflo hammerhead gold 5,000 gph. I opted to not use this pump to draw water from the tank but rather to shoot it back in at the highest gph i can get for water circulation. Above the 2'x2'x8' sump sits two drilled 55 gals (already have) for socks or bioballs for some extra overkill on filtration. This should handle everything no problem on a pretty cheap budget. My sump boxes are being made to hold the fish initally so im getting a pretty good bang for my buck. Kills me to spend money on anything i can just make or piece together from what i have. These boxes will be simple 3/4" plywood, 2x4, and pondliner.