Metal monster 3k

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
any word on how the reactor is doing or the fish

Just got it up and running yesterday...tank is cycling pretty good now so ill post a full shot of the system once it clears up here in a couple days. I def. Need to order some more media, possibly k3 just so its the same size as what i currently have but i have another option also thats just a bit smaller. The amt. I have turning over is probably around 1.5 cu ft. At best, so another 1.8 or 2 cu. Ft. Should get me where i want to be. Overkill for this 300 but id like it to be a mindless system i never have to worry about. With the extra sump volume i can change an additional 50gal a day on top of the 3gph autodrip and still have the system fully running so theres no stress on the fish from a w/c. Its extremly nice to just walk around the room with a vaccum tube getting debris out for about 30 min a day and what i take out is filled up automatically. Been tinkering alot latley with everything but its only getting easier to maintain so all is well for a change.

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haha...thats and understatement i know, i am getting extremly tired of my pool tho so somethings going to give sooner or later here. If i could just stop bringing in new specimen for a couple months id have more money to get this bad boy finished. My appologies to everyone for my lack of updates and tank really not in need of the extra space this tank will give me considering its replacing a 12' pool (basically the same footprint im building when it comes down to it) so thats probably why im not that excited myself to even finish it yet lol.... I'm turing into NolaPete lately haha, and we cant have that lol...Its a bit embarrasing i havent touched this tank in about a year now, time to quit procrastinating i agree....Everyone's interest def. helps get me motivated tho, thanks for the support guys!
New filter is working most exellent with the addition of filter socks and my boys r enjoying the crispy clarity. This filter will be used for the temp pond when i have to move em. Not much progress to the 3k but it will come in handy when it comes time to tear this pool down.
Got this lovely lady for xmas from my lady lol...
Terrible pic of my other xmas gifts from my better half...but there some future 3k inhabitants and growing like weeds :) prob. My new fav. Species ive kept in all my years. These boys will force me to finish the 3k so everything is in place now lol...

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Nolapete, oh boy lets hope not........what ever happened to him anyway?

Real life happened which is very understandable lol, Hopefully hes sitting in front of his finished 4k by now tho, He and Necro led the way around here not too long ago with their builds :) , I'm just a follower. I credit NolaPete for a lot of the info that went into my last build.