More tank pics, updated

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
As always, drama in cichlid city.

First, I'm dealing with an egg/floating situation with Patch. She'd gotten HUGE about 2 weeks ago. She laid eggs, but her tube stayed out and she remained swollen. I got concerned after a week. So she's gotten multiple water changes and right now is in a strong epsom salt bath. She started hanging out at the top and clearly was having issues staying 'down.' I also bumped up the temperature which she is loving right now. The combination is helping her show improvement.

The eggs I do see squirting out are white and on a thin string clump. Very small pieces. She may have dropped healthy eggs too but unless they're in a pile its impossible to see them. Right now her tube has shrunk and she's more normal size. Swims a bit now and is hugging the heater. This is interesting because the regular temp is right at 80 degrees. But she's enjoying the extra warmth (83) right now.

Bobo the Chocolate was returned to the main tank this afternoon. I got a nice bath transporting him. So I slide him in during a water change and make sure he's in his area. He immediately darted into his house. But damn, these cichlids are smart. From the other side of the tank (despite all the sight breaks) the Oscar and Parrot paused then went over to investigate. To say Bobo didn't get a warm reception is putting it mildly. Brick immediately started displaying dominance, blasting sand everywhere with his body and making a pit in front of Bobo's house. Then he cleaned the boulder nearby. Boss barrelled inside to fight (something he'd never done before). Brick sat outside like he was the 'lookout' while Boss and Bobo rolled around. The PVC tunnel isn't big enough for both of them (literally) eventually Boss came back out. Then he immediately went to a nearby area under the branch hut and set up shop, making the catfishes move. Boss has a chewed lip so I know they were going at it. Bobo started to come out minutes ago and darted back inside again. The chewed lip didn't stop Boss from eating though.

Pepper also went over to investigate but appeared more curious than aggressive. He hovered around Bobo's house then went about his buisness. Hopefully things settle down. Bobo had been out of the tank for two weeks of additional treatment for his issues. The HRP Pip could possibly go in the main tank in another week (2 months QT) the other fish (acara and gold severum) are currently being prepped for shipping so they aren't even in the picture right now. It's going to take time to get Bobo's trust back, its pretty obvious. He really didn't eat much the extra two weeks. So it seemed pointless to keep him in there once he healed.

I had to pause this update. Fortunately my brain kicked in that I was at the limit for the 225 tank fill , like 15 minutes past check. Just in time too...all the way to the brim. Brick of course liked that, swimming with his back above the surface like a whale. ?

I removed 5 gallons from the top. Multi tasking is hell.

Goon City is quiet for now. Everyone is back in their original role. Chocolate is the third wheel, BP is the rival, Rainbow is interference, and Oscar is the Hammer. The catfishes stay the hell out of the way.

I go downstairs to monitor the progress of Patch and her egg tube situation. She's still improving (I touched her tube slightly and an egg popped out.) Her tube is still out, although she is swimming around more. So I check the main tank. Bobo is out of hiding and in his area. Brick and Boss are redecorating their giant nest/pit. Pepper as usual is darting everywhere .

So some action as Boss (BP) and Bobo (Choc) square off in neutral territory. Brick (O) swings around the back side of a plant and opens his maw in an ambush, sending Bobo back where he came from like house arrest. Pepper (rainbow) kept swimming in between everybody to (interfere?) stop the fighting. It didn't work but it was kinda cute.

Will try and grab a few pics of the 'fun.'

In other news Kong may have switched back to male eggs for quite some time. I wish my he/she parrot would pick a gender and stick with it!! ?
Pic time! Just a few leading into the second anniversary show.


Here's Tango. He's equal to Boss in body height but with a flatter profile (Yuan Bao Coin shape). Pic was taken under amber afternoon lighting. He's hard to get shots of, kinda skittish.

Bobo the Chocolate is back! After four weeks of treatment for ich and infection, AND day of fighting with Brick and Boss he's settled in nicely. And back to the crazy color morph stuff. He's gone Tiger here. To get an idea of his current mass, the boulder beside him is ~6" .

Bobo 1.jpg
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