Already getting a handle on these characters.
The Severum is
Corn. (as in
Children of the Corn. Plus, he's yellow.) Those red, staring eyes...
White eyed acara is
Rocky. He's punchy and likes to rumble. He's slightly more bulky.
Dark eyed acara is
Jazz. Slick, smooth, fast as lightning. Flashy swimmer. Slimmer build.
And of course my Honduran Redpoint
The main tank may be Cichlid City, but the QT tank is Cichlid County. Not 2 days in and there's already action. I turned off the lights yesterday and let them settle in. Everyone is really good at hiding (tank looked empty, lol). So I figured everyone might be hungry this afternoon. Pip was...he and Corn are already going at it...Corn's taken over one of his favorite spots in the bushes. So Pip rams in there and bangs into the Severum. Corn won't take his guff and pops him back, so Pip retreats and goes looking for Jazz and Rocky. Problem is they're as fast as he is. He chases, they split up and race in different directions so he hovers in confusion trying to decide who to go after.
Yesterday Pip hit Rocky in the side and the acara popped him right back on the Pip just kinda sat next to him for a few minutes. His time as king of the tank has officially hit the skids.
The tank is already divided up by turf. The acaras are on the south side around/underrneath the sponge filter. Pip is in the central part of town. Corn is over on the north side tucked away in the bushes. Pip is the only open area swimmer right now.
Best news is everyone has a healthy appetite and has eaten. A relief after what I went through with Nemo. The acaras have brightened up and look like blue metal. This is gonna be a long grow out...Brick would inhale these dinky things just by breathing.