Interesting situation with my BP Patch...normally she cranks out eggs like a factory. It's not true anymore. She hasn't laid a single egg since January. What makes it strange is that normally she would lay every 10-14 days. I don't know if its related to her tube issues she had awhile ago. She's fully recovered but still no eggs.
One side effect is that she appears to be bulking up naturally now. Eats, poops fine and no problems. Of my four parrots she's had the least amount of overall growth, no doubt due to the crazy egg production she once put out. Since purchase:
Kong has gained 2+ inches
Tango 3 inches
Boss 2+ inches (not including sideways)
Patch only around 1/1/2 inches
Her body will swell and then its like she just reabsorbs them. Have no idea if this is temporary or not. Kong seems to have taken over the egg machine mantle but she doesn't have huge amounts like Patch did.
So maybe her egg maker is on the fritz, or she's just chucking all that for growth.