Quick update. Confirmed acaras are in charge, at least with the severum. They must have hit maturity or something, this is literally out of nowhere. Rocky guards the front, Jazz an area along the back wall. Pip stays in his log but comes out to eat, then goes back. Rocky and Pip juked at each other before the acara backed off a little. If he gets too close Pip gets his lip. I may move Corn and Pip before the weekend, then the acaras. I'll never take mechanical filtration for granted again. The water in the QT tank was starting to foam at the top despite an 80 percent w/c yesterday. I also siphon the sand hard core. But since the qt tank is run on sponge filter I didn't take into account all the built up mulm and gook in the bushes and under the logs. So even though I was getting uneaten food other stuff was building up. I thought I'd never get everything cleared out. Ended up removing the deco to clean it. Corn stayed in the corner, so I just put the bushes back around him. He creeped out but Rocky ran him back behind the plants. Can't get over this 180 turn in less than 24 hours. At least Corn still eats.
Bobo's lip is nearly normal already, remarkable.