More tank pics, updated

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Hey, are Pothos toxic to other animals? I have cats that get into the fish food and other stuff, and I was wondering if the rumor is true. I looked it up online, but are they actually toxic?
Yes. It cause vomiting, diarrhea, pain and in very bad situations death. Peace lily and dumb cane are bad too.
Doesn't seem to effect fish and reptiles.
Weekend is here, and its goon time!

From the scratch and dent section:
Bobo has a small lip chip and is missing a scale.
Cash has a new head scratch and is eating his way to oblivion.
In QT, the acaras Rocky and Jazz are getting fed up with severum Corn bossing them around. They've got enough size now to test him. Corn tries to bully, they swirl around and 'tag team' ...Corn bends his body defensively and hits one acara, then the other acara hits him from behind! One more week and these kooks are going in the big tank...its getting a bit tight in QT now. My HRP Pip keeps to himself in his log...Corn gives him a little grief but Pip will chase the acaras if they get too close to his spot. Unlike the severum he has the speed to catch them. So the acaras clear out for the HRP but are challenging the larger severum. It's screwball city in Goon County.

From the production center:
Patch has dropped another round of eggs already, making up for lost time. She's covering most of the substrate.

From the construction center:
My ambitious oscar has increased the size of his and Boss 'apartment', pushing the plant walls out further. They now own nearly 50% of the 225. (I'm gonna have to stop this)

From the stealth section:
Because my rainbow Pepper has the synos completely shook, they now retreat and dangle in plants or lean against the front wall of the tank.
Like Brick, my Oscar is also constantly trying to enlarge his diggings. He rearranges the tank, as do my other cichlids.

I eventually had to get rid of the Pothos, or I should say it eventually all just got eaten and/or died.

And I noticed a difference to. The pothos did did help purify the water.

I need to have a remote pothos container that is not accessible to the fish. I am thinking to put it outdoors and circulate water through it from my indoor/outdoor system.
Like Brick, my Oscar is also constantly trying to enlarge his diggings. He rearranges the tank, as do my other cichlids.

I eventually had to get rid of the Pothos, or I should say it eventually all just got eaten and/or died.

And I noticed a difference to. The pothos did did help purify the water.

I need to have a remote pothos container that is not accessible to the fish. I am thinking to put it outdoors and circulate water through it from my indoor/outdoor system.

I'm thinking of getting some red root floaters this time around...I might just condition them in the QT tank after the growouts are moved. Not sure how long the roots grow, that's the effect I was going for. I'd heard even large cichlids like to eat them but I'm not sure.

Brick tends to push his nest out the most during water changes when the level is low. He hates being crowded, even for a short period of time. Once the new water is in he stops.
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