Corn is living large right now!
This combination seems to be lively and energetic. Pip and Pepper played a bit...Pepper even followed Pip into the log! Up until now he NEVER used hides. All the Central Bloods are issues between Pip, Pepper, and Boss. Now Pepper was quite taken with Corn, shoaling and guiding the severum into his hide. After that Corn took over, chasing Pepper. Pepper doesn't seem to be afraid as much as backing off. He'll still swim around the Severum. Pip is a stubborn thing. Corn tries to chase him but he's too fast. The HRP just swims circles around the severum giving him nothing to hit. So Corn kind of stops. Pip won't run, he just gets out of the way and keeps coming back. I think Bobo was trying to get Pip out of the floating cup. He tipped it over after pushing at it, so I released Pip earlier than I planned to.
I've had to do some tinkering for 'spaces' and likely will have to do more when the acaras go in. Brick went through the "I want more space" bit again and started shoving stuff around. I opened up some area around him and he seems good with it right now.
Bobo seems good with his new tankmates. No issues with Corn or Pip. They shoal over on his side of the tank mostly (I mentioned Bobo has a calming effect on smaller fish I can't explain). Corn did some exploring then decided he wanted the branch cave. He ran Pepper out, at least temporarily. Problem is, the catfishes go there sometimes. Then Boss. So he can't really 'claim' it, just hovers there briefly before someone moves him out. But Corn's kinda got brass, cruising into restricted turf. He gets run out of course. After an hour Pepper was getting a bit tired of Corn's antics, shoving him backwards. So he started playing (flirting?) with Pip. Pip's blue circles have come back and his electric blue fin is back too. I'll get some pics tomorrow. But Corn's changed color! He's a peach tone now with an orange/pink blush on his face and fins! I'll have to grab a pic of that too. So it goes like this:
Corn chases Pepper and Pip. Runs from Boss, Brick, Spot and Cash.
Pip swims with everybody except Corn, runs from him but comes right back. (Its going to be interesting when Pip gets larger)
Pepper shoaled with Corn, then got chased by Corn. He left Corn and started shoaling and playing with Pip.
Boss didn't care about any of them at first. As usual he gave a cool reception and just observed from a distance. Pushes Corn around, but has no issues with Pip. Chases Pepper occasionally but doesn't put anything into it.
Anything Brick can't chase down or eat he's good with. Just stay out of his way when he wants you to move. Except Bobo, but that's another story.
Bobo is good with everybody except Boss and Brick. He has a tense 'truce' with the tank bosses that can break down at any time. But the new fish will divert some of that.
So there you go. I'll post up some pics of Pip soon.