More tank pics, updated

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I almost don't know where to begin!

To start off, I removed the pvc house for Bobo. The Plasti dip coating was coming off in chunks, probably because I never sanded it. Held up for quite some time. I had a jumbo log that I replaced it with. The opening is a bit smaller but Bobo should fit with no real problems. He's hesitant to use it so far. If he won't use it the acaras probably will.

It's a 3 ring circus chase-O-meter. And all this over two fish not big enough to challenge the heirarchy. I did make some adjustments to maximize the floor space, since the acaras will go in Saturday. There are more low level swim lanes and I've removed some of the tangled plants and made more defined partitions. So everyone is adjusting.

Brick checked out the changes and patrolled the tank for some time. Because of this Bobo retreated to the other side (right into Boss). It went south in 2 seconds...Boss gave him some side body bangs and tail slaps, pushing the choc sideways across the tank. Bobo retaliates by trying to lip lock but their mouths don't really line up for that. Boss grips the side of his bottom lip, lowers his head and drags Bobo in a semi circle (I've never seen this before). Bobo breaks it off as Boss pushes down on his back half keeping him from swimming.

Brick decides to join in, lapping Bobo a few times around the tank. I'd had it at this point. Brick got rapped on the nose with the clear ruler. He shot away and sat in his room. Meanwhile Corn still tries to boss Pepper around, but now Pip is protective of Pepper! The dinky red point twists and darts around the severum when he bothers the rainbow. Corn tries to chase him too, but Pip just buzzes around him like a bee.

The severum also tries to intrude where Boss and Brick set up shop. The BP whacked him in the side for it, sending Corn on his way.

And for the capper, now that the acaras have the qt tank to themselves they're sulky and withdrawn. Cichlids.

You don't always need bars for a zoo, sometimes they have glass walls. :nilly:
. . . Brick tends to push his nest out the most during water changes when the level is low. He hates being crowded, even for a short period of time. . .

I saw exactly this behavior with my Oscar and with the African cichlids as well. In a strange development I thought my two electric blue hybrids were going to have an electric blue mating ceremony and deliver me a full batch of fry, but once I moved Felix the Oscar into the 125, the smaller of the hybrids took up with him and has been his constant companion.

This is not a big deal, as I already have so many fish breeding that I don’t know what to do with all the fry, and Felix has quit eating fish and will only eat his pellets.

The other cichlids are keeping the Molly and Guppy population down to a nearly manageable level. I don’t have to feed them all too much, as Felix spews a horrible amount of uneaten food as he munches away.
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My attempts at corporal punishment have not proven successful as these cichlids will resume their naughty behavior as soon as I turn my back.
It's only something I've had to do twice with Brick. For whatever reason on one other occasion he was completely out of control, attacking anything and everything. I discovered he hates two things: getting whacked on the nose with a ruler, and hearing the tapping sound of a black handle stick on the glass I have (Its a net extension). It stops him long enough so that he's out of berserk mode. Sometimes even making the room go dark doesn't work, so the ruler it is. It isn't a permanent fix but it brings him out of seek and destroy mode. I never over do it...just one solid whack gets the job done. Then I'll give him a few pats later so he doesn't sulk. He generally calms down after these 'fits.'

The parrots are different. When they go berserk nothing stops them until they come out of it.
Bobo and Pepper are the official welcome committee. Pepper was so excited he kept tapping the cup. Even Boss drifted by briefly to take a look, but he's
too cool and kept going. Brick glanced at the cup and went about his buisness. I released Rocky and Jazz right away, they were too worked up to trust staying in the cup. They immediately went to the bottom and back wall. Pepper has brightened up in color at the new arrivals.

The affect on Corn is hilarious...he doesn't even know who or what to chase now. He tries chasing Pip and Pepper, but now it appears the acaras have once again run him out of his chosen space. He can't linger there much because someone is always going in there...its either the synos, Boss, Pip, or even Pepper when he's occupied elsewhere. The transition today was a lot calmer than yesterday. Right now Rocky and Jazz are kind of hidden but I expect them to come out eventually with all the activity.

The minute Corn tries chasing someone he gets chased in turn. So he flits all over the place, its funny as hell. One thing is clear though: the change in environment and tankmates hasn't changed basic facts. The acaras and HRP still can't stand Corn.

I've ordered some floating red root, giant frogbit and a bit of duckweed. They will be conditioned in the QT tank when they arrive. Added about 2 tablespoons ammonia to get things started. Plants should be arriving by next weekend.

Pip the HRP is a cute lil' fire plug...I'll be getting some pics of him soon.

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