More tank pics, updated

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
You have quite the selection of cool fish. Sounds like they get along for the most part. It's like putting a puzzle together so the fish live in harmony. Nice!
You have quite the selection of cool fish. Sounds like they get along for the most part. It's like putting a puzzle together so the fish live in harmony. Nice!

It's been a LOT of trial and error, sometimes frustrating. But this group seems to work pretty good (for cichlids). Since some of them are still growing I expect the dynamic to change again. I've already had to make adjustments.

I had to remove the branch cave due to non stop squabbling by Corn, Pepper, Rocky and Jazz. Just went on and on. I also removed the small log for Pip. To my surprise he pretty much ignored it despite it being his favorite in the QT tank. So more open floor space and less areas to sweep uneaten pellets out of. Its nice to have different sizes, shapes, and colors for contrast. The small fish fill up space by movement and the big fish fill up space by being big (lol).

The Chase-O-Meter goes like this:
Pepper (rainbow) chases Rocky and Jazz (acaras)
Corn (severum) chases Pepper
Rocky and Jazz chase Corn
Corn chases Pip (Honduran Red Point)
Brick (Oscar) chases Bobo (Chocolate)

But that's not all...

The Whack-O-Meter goes like this:
Corn has whacked Pepper
Pip has whacked Corn
Boss (BP) has whacked Corn
Pepper has whacked Rocky and Jazz
Brick has whacked Corn
Boss has whacked Bobo
Brick has whacked Spot and Cash (Synos)
Boss has whacked Spot and Cash

Brick doesn't waste energy chasing small fish, only big ones. And the small ones avoid his pointy end. If you think all this sounds ridiculous you should see it live. Everyone settles down once early evening mode (magenta light) starts, around 6pm. Then they disappear into hidey holes. Brick lays at the bottom, resting his head on rock pillows.

The funniest whack was from Pip, my dinky HRP. He and Pepper get along super. Corn went after Pepper when out of nowhere this blue bullet bangs into his side. Corn was dazed and confused, like wtf??? Hilarious. Pip is protective of Pepper, lol.
The funniest whack was from Pip, my dinky HRP. He and Pepper get along super. Corn went after Pepper when out of nowhere this blue bullet bangs into his side. Corn was dazed and confused, like wtf??? Hilarious. Pip is protective of Pepper, lol.

You should take some videos.
I can do a shot of the tank.

Something is wrong with my phone, though. I take three or four pictures and the battery drains to 0. If I can't get this figured out it looks like a new phone.
Smartphones are annoying lol. Reminds me of my old phone.
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These fish never stop making me laugh!

So I peep in at 'early morning' amber light mode in the main tank before starting work. Everyone is kinda sleepy...Corn came to and started floating around. Rocky and Jazz are exploring more of the tank. Now for the funny part. Rocky and Jazz are now replacing Pepper as the newest members of the 'Pop-A-Cat' club. That's right...the synos went into their area and the acaras whacked them upside the head for it. ? But it gets even better. My honduran red point Pip, the smallest and dinkiest fish in the friggin tank is now bossing Corn around. IT MAKES NO SENSE BUT ITS FUNNY ASF.

Boss was sleeping out in the open on the sand, something I've never seen him do before. Kind of hard to miss an orange ball on blue sand, even in dim light. Bobo is beginning to use his jumbo log though he has to maneuver a bit to get in. The good thing is that Brick has no chance of squeezing in there. Corn is easing up in his effort to run down Pepper. Talk about chasing the rainbow...that takes a helluva lot of energy. After two useless days of chasing, he's wearing down to a halt. Its pretty entertaining watching a honda go after a lambroghini. And Pepper? He just keeps flying around at will. I should mention its official the acaras have run Corn out...he sleeps over in the plants near Bobo. The price of being an newcomer and an ass, I guess. Cichlids.

Ugh. Looks like I'll probably be looking at a new phone in the near future. I think the battery is just winding down now. Either that or its no longer as compatible with software updates that hog system use. You know the deal, planned obsolescence. They want you to get a new one every 5 years (even when the new ones don't last any longer and do the same thing, just a lotta silly bling stuff and apps added). I've gone through every thing I can think of to save battery, remove unecessary apps and storage, clear cache, etc. But I also know these smartphones can only be recharged so many times before they 'dim'. That appears to be happening to my phone.

Still will get pics, though. Just gonna take longer.
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Still working on phone issues but looking better. After I tried taking THREE pictures the battery went from 95% to 0%...I was fed up. Did some radical stuff and now it seems to be charging pretty fast (it also discharges pretty fast under 40%.) New phone in the works...last system update was two years ago and can't get another, lol. So I'll just relay what's going on in the meantime.

The acara mafia has their own little spot in the center along the back wall. They love nestling in the plants and only explore out in the open carefully. But they're shooting out and juking/shaking at Corn and now Boss if they swim past. They still run from Pepper. Corn runs from the pair but will stand his ground one on one. They annoy Boss, catching him on the tail before he can turn round. Because they're so fast and burst out the parrot just spins his body around and leaves. But it still doesn't keep him from swimming over there. Pip goes back and forth, but fights like a wolverine...he's so fast even when Rocky and Jazz try to jump him, he spins and tags both of them at the same time! Then they fly away in confusion. They're starting to come out and greet me again now that they're getting settled. Interesting though Boss was sleeping in their area this he doesn't like getting hit in the side but doesn't seem afraid either. Ditto Corn, who appears to be looking for an opportunity for payback. When the acaras get separated he's looking to mix it up again.

Pip will face off against the acaras. Because of his speed (he may even be faster than Pepper!) he's a match for them despite size, plus his attitude. So this throws the acaras off...they can't sneak attack him. I still don't know if they're a pair or likely brothers. I've put a boulder in front of their area which keeps them from having a clean line of sight. I think a lot of their boldness comes from their being a pair. They're constantly together and don't seem totally comfortable with the 'big three' around. If they do separate they break off going too far away from their spot.

I wonder if acaras have issues with bright colored fish. When I had Felix he generally gave Boss a wide berth but once in awhile would take a shot. These two are doing the same thing (though they don't get too close, more tag and run). They feud with Corn, who is also bright colored. If anyone has a theory let me know.

When Big Red cruises through they clear out. They seem fine with the chocolate, either avoiding or swimming near. Bobo is more settled cruising the tank but pushes his luck by hanging around where he isn't wanted. Since he won't move Boss will shove him around then Brick runs him out.

Syno Cash has a patch of skin missing on the back half of his right side. Fresh water and I added a bit of salt.

Corn stays with Bobo mostly and will eat with Boss. He likes to peep through the plants. Pepper and Pip are over there too, although they will ezplore the tank. Pip loves going in Bobo's huge log and hangs out there. Brick has a clump of boulders that he rests against in his pit. When he decorates and makes partitions of plants Boss will nestle in those or relax near the powerhead under a vine.. The parrot hates wide open area.

Bobo gets more cracked lips than a chapstick model.

Pepper has been a great influence on Brick. Because the rainbow is such an aggressive/hearty eater, the Oscar watches this and is now eating a combination of foods and is far less picky.
Update and yes, pics.

First, the "acara mafia in the sun" time appears to be over. I don't know what happened or exactly when, but Rocky and Jazz are no longer shooting out when fish swim by. In fact they pretty much stay hidden in their area behind some plants. My mom joked that maybe they had been eaten by (you know who) I didn't want to even think it! ? To make matters worse I saw Brick near the back moving his mouth like he does after eating a nightcrawler. I was relieved to see the acaras this evening after not seeing them for almost two days. In any case somebody has put a stop to their nonsense.

Everyone else is doing well. Corn is a character, but he has a sense of his place in the heirarchy. He and Boss get along well. Still goes after Pepper for whatever reason. He's back and forth with Pip but generally gets along reasonably well with the HRP. Pip's color is really showing now, the blue circle and face patches. He's even got an 'electric blue' line going along his top fin. Roams the whole tank and doesn't give a hoot about tank mate size. He darts, scoots, and glides all over the place. When Corn messes with him he messes right back.

I continue to make adjustments to increase floor space but keep 'get away' areas, privacy and sight breaks. Its a tricky thing/balancing act that's a work in progress. Right now some of the territory lines have blurred a bit. But if a fish stays too long out of his turf he gets run out. So more tolerance, but everyone still wants their space. The adjustments have helped the synos too, they've calmed down from their mania. Cash is sitll missing a chunk of skin on his right side. Bobo's one millionth cracked lip is healed again.

I had to do a major clean of the big tank today. Stuff and gunk in areas that was...ugh. Increased space along the back wall, too. Brick and Boss took advantage right away (its over in Bobo's area). Corn has made a home over on Bobo's side. Pip pretty much sleeps over there too but during the day he gets 'out.' Same with Pepper. Brick just loves swimming between and through stuff.

Its pretty cool to see everyone go from high activity to that 'calm zone' that happens in early evening with the magenta lights go on. Its like a tonic or something. Then later under blue light everyone starts disappearing into hidey holes. Well, not Brick...he rests on the bottom with his head on his rock pillows.

The floating plants arrived today! Red Root and giant frogbit. Very healthy with thick roots! I'll do a weekly pic on their growth.

Pics of the floaters below. Not a bad one in the bunch! You can see some of them have solid roots already. I'd say the longest ones are like 1 1/2" and thick. Under high light and I've added two tablespoons of ammonia to get the party started.

My phone is now working reasonably well but I'll still need a new one. Seems as if going to Wifi Calling has stopped the insane battery drain I had. I did resolve the charging issue but the drain was bad. Still can't get updates for compatibility/function of apps because phone's past two years old, the magic built in obsolete year. My 'up to date' phone last had a patch in 2018!

The floaters, all nice and pretty. I love the way they just flip right side up because the roots are heavy:


