More tank pics, updated

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Do you think it was the water change or possible ich? I now Bobo got it bad a while ago.
Do you think it was the water change or possible ich? I now Bobo got it bad a while ago.

Could be the w/c it was extreme even by my standards. Normally I do 2 at 60-70% each. This time I did one @ 80% and one @90%. I discovered Pepper tends to be a bit sensitive to medication and severe w/cs but was less reactive as he grew.

My other theory is that the new fish (despite extended quarantine) might have been carriers with a 'time release' ich. Nobody has spots, but I'm not waiting to find out. So, salt it is until the end of the month. I usually go for 4% salinity which knocked it out fast the last time 'early ich' showed up. In the future I may use salt on qt fish as a precaution. Everyone seems perkier this morning.

I found it suspicious all of the flashing was on the gill areas. Pepper did flash a couple of days back but I didn't think anything of it (he stopped). But when some of the other fish started after 2 days I knew something was up.

Ironically Bobo is fine this time around.
Small news nothing earth shattering. First, no more flashing since the salt. Treatment continues for a bit.

Bobo appears to have nicked himself on the top of his back (likely from the log). He seems fine otherwise.

The acaras Rocky and Jazz have found a new toy in the powerheads...they swim against the blast for hours and bump off of each other and the glass. They also like playing in the overflow from the hobs.

Pepper and Pip are cute...they don't swim together a lot but they're always 'checking' on each other no matter where they are in the tank. Pepper continues to bulk up. He greedily grabs clumps of blackworms and speeds away with them.

Corn seems to be the perfect bridge between Boss and Bobo...the three actually shoal together at times. Territory lines are kinda blurred now. The acaras prefer hanging out on the Brick/Boss side when not in their own area. Boss, the ultimate independent cichlid is now more social. He also gets along very well with the rainbow and HRP. Corn seems secure around Bobo, but follows Boss around like a little brother.

Brick is loving the activity as well and does a lot of glass surfing now and loop de loops. He's also having a good time throwing his weight around and crowds between the other fish in a group. It looks kinda silly seeing them all piled up in a corner. Worse than a bull in a china shop. Lately he's been knocking the powerhead filters over sideways to clear space for playing.

Rocky and Jazz are the only smaller fish that have no interest in Bobo whatsoever. However the severum , rainbow and hrp pretty much have set up shop with the Choc...late in the day and at night they nest in a community village.

The true explorers are the centrals. They swim the entire tank during the day at any time. The others do it some but have preferred areas.

Upper level swimmers Brick*, Bobo*
Mid level swimmers Boss, Corn, Pepper, Pip, Brick*, Bobo*, Rocky, Jazz
Lower level swimmers Boss, Corn, Rock, Jazz, Pip, Pepper, Brick*, Bobo*
The oscar and choc have no preference and swim all levels equally. Synos lower level, but will float mid level at night.

After Brick has 'dinner' he does a little glass surfing, runs Bobo in a circle then goes to his bed and settles in, resting his head on his rocks. All in a day's work I suppose. :popcorn:
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It keeps not giving me notifications ?

Are you blocked? You could try clearing cache. A general search on author name works. I had to do that once when researching another poster's thread.

Quick edit: Bobo does NOT like it when the severum Corn hassles Pepper. The normally calm choc got a bit ticked when Corn tagged his buddy on the tail. He tapped Corn twice immediately (almost like KNOCK IT OFF) and the severum stopped. May explain why Corn is less inclined to chase the rainbow (plus he's got no chance of catching him anyway).

Pepper seems to have two buddies who protect him...Pip the HRP and Bobo the choc. Interesting dynamic, will probably change with time.
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So I had my second covid shot thursday...was sick as a dog friday with EVERY symptom. Body felt like a 500 lb anchor. I had on a sweater, hat, sweatshirt and coat! I stagger downstairs by 7pm to feed the crew.

The goons had been busy. Rocky's pelvic fin is all tattered and Bobo has a split tail. I'm not down there ONE FREAKING DAY and they act up. Despite his raggy fin Rocky still struts the tank like a peacock. And of course everyone was quiet and calm when they got dinner.

Doing a bit better today but no energy at all. Later on the main tank gets a w/c. MUCH later on.
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So I had my second covid shot thursday...was sick as a dog friday with EVERY symptom. Body felt like a 500 lb anchor. I had on a sweater, hat, sweatshirt and coat! I stagger downstairs by 7pm to feed the crew.

The goons had been busy. Rocky's pelvic fin is all tattered and Bobo has a split tail. I'm not down there ONE FREAKING DAY and they act up. Despite his raggy fin Rocky still struts the tank like a peacock. And of course everyone was quiet and calm when they got dinner.

Doing a bit better today but no energy at all. Later on the main tank gets a w/c. MUCH later on.
Congrats on getting the shot!
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I almost forgot!

This is the one year anniversary for Pepper my rainbow cichlid. ?I'll post the comparison pics later.

I must have the luck. Of the millions of severums on the planet I always seem to end up with the thorny ones. So it goes like this with Corn:

1. He's in 'no man's land' in the heirarchy. Has nothing for the 'Big 3' but brings stones to the equal sized/smaller fish.
2. When the largest fish are occupied elsewhere he tries to run the tank.
3. He's determined to intimidate the acaras, redpoint, and rainbow by clearing an area. Problem is nobody's intimidated...he chases, they come right back. So he runs out of gas from chasing then tries it again. Kind of hard to go after 4 fish at once. He has no hope of catching them so they just dash away and circle around. Then Corn gets frustrated.
4. In a regular community tank the severum might have a chance at the top, but his attitude is gonna cost him some scales eventually. Even among fish his size things could change...Pip the HRP is very prickly and hasn't maxed out yet.
5. The 'Big 3' ignore his antics so the dynamic with Corn gets interesting. The tank bosses have specific jobs: Boss the BP is actually the one who keeps all the fish in line. He watches everything but won't get involved unless annoyed. If a squabble goes on too long he interferes. Brick the oscar is the final word. So stop whatever you're doing or else. This includes plowing into anybody that doesn't get out of the way. Every single fish (synos, acaras, rainbow, hrp, severum) scatter at this point and things quiet down. As co-boss, Boss the parrot is unfazed and does a 'tank check' once things settle.

Lately my bubblehead severum has decided to test new waters. From a standing start he 'charges' head on at fish. Its effective at making the smaller fish avoid and move off. So effective in fact, he's tried it out on the 'Big 3'. Here's what happened:

Bobo the choc is generally ok with him except when Corn pesters his buddy Pepper. Sometimes Bobo wants his space when the severum hangs around too much. So he just goes at him slowly making Corn move. If he sees the severum go after his buddy he pops him but won't chase (Bobo won't spend ANY energy if he doesn't have to.) Corn decided to take Bobo on...the choc gave him a head butt sending him flying. Smooth too, Bobo barely moved. Problem solved.

Next up...Boss the parrot. Generally Corn tagalongs with the parrot and they eat together. But sometimes Boss wants to be clear of company, so he nudges Corn away or swims off. But then one day the sev decided to take a shot at Boss. SOOOooo...he goes full speed at the parrot head on and...nothing. Boss just stared, not moving or flinching. So to keep from colliding with the parrot Corn shot sideways and bounced into the plants. Worst game of chicken I've ever seen. You can't intimidate a fish that hangs there like an anchor and waits on you. Plus the fact Boss is like, 4-5 times his mass. He repaid Corn's antics by running the severum around a bit. Now every time Corn is near Boss blocks him or gets in his way, forcing the sev to turn around. The parrot also 'bumps' into him on purpose randomly. Problem solved.

Yes, Corn actually tested Brick (if you could call it that). Up until recently just the sight of the oscar swimming at him would make Corn clear out. But no, pinhead takes a poke at Brick's tail. To be fair the Oscar didn't seem to notice or acknowledge the peck. Wrong! Brick swam away suddenly, did a half moon turn and charged straight at Corn, maw open...LOL ? Corn was gone so fast he was a yellow streak across the tank. So now if Brick gets closer than around 6 inches Corn carefully stays clear and darts off. Problem solved.

Heh, I do hope Corn settles down. He's a very intelligent fish, alert and aware. But if he wants to keep his looks...chillout.
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