Your tank is the ultimate fish bar fight.
Your dog?LOL at least there's no flying bottles. I've gotten new balls for Brick to play with and he likes tossing them out of the tank. I'm coming to the conclusion severums have a napoleon complex OR I just seem to get the screwy ones. Corn is going down the same road as my previous severum Chip...but Corn seems to be more intelligent about picking his fights. That being said if he's gonna keep trying the O and parrot, it ain't gonna work. Hell, even Bobo gave him a head butt once. But I think Corn knows who the tank bosses are. That seems to be who he's aiming for. If he thinks to be the tank boss he's more cracked than I thought.
So this morning I'm putting a bush plant back in its base when I feel a tap under my forearm. Brick came over to see what I was doing in the dim light. No matter what happens in the tank day or night he comes over to investigate BECAUSE HE'S NOSEY AS HELL. I've never had a fish so hopelessly curious about everything. Then he blocks what I'm doing or gets in the way! Same thing when I use the magnetic algae scrubber. He watches then follows it around as I clean.
He wins the big snoot award:
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Your dog?
It’s adorable, reminds me of how mine acts (nose in face).
My male green severum gets chased and harassed by my female rainbow half his length. He was also the object of my leporinus’s aggression so he had to be moved. He didn’t even fight back the way the parrot does. He just took it. So my severum is a joke and yours are just mean. I think it is breed dependent (I think I’ve read that reds are the meanest).
Must be largely individual. Like a lot of SAs I guess. CAs seem easier to predict how they will be, but oscars, acaras, sevs, etc all seem to vary so much between the individual there can’t be patterns.No, that's just a puppy pic I grabbed.
I dunno...Chip was a blue severum. I'd heard goldies are calmer but I'm not seeing it. Chip was more random in his aggression while Corn's aggression is more targeted. Maybe he'll calm down, he really mostly acts up against the rainbow. But he's also about the same size Chip was when he started 'acting up' . The same two fish kicked his @ss too, Boss and Brick. It's documented what eventually happened with Chip. Chip was thick and 8".
Must be largely individual. Like a lot of SAs I guess. CAs seem easier to predict how they will be, but oscars, acaras, sevs, etc all seem to vary so much between the individual there can’t be patterns.
Mild for a fancy convict...Even the CAs throw a curve...aren't HRPs and rainbows SUPPOSED to be on the milder side for centrals? Heh, mine didn't get the memo! It's ridiculous seeing a 3+" Redpoint chasing bigger fish and defending a log 7 inches wide! And a rainbow that thumped on two synos...![]()