So I'm still not sure if my acaras Rocky and Jazz are a pair. They seem to be but nothing happens. Anyway they went full blown @hole yesterday morning, charging at fish and pecking their fins. This happened a few weeks back then settled down.They seemed to be defending an area (didn't see any eggs). The two were fanning/slapping. Rocky would grab plants and shake them.
I moved some stuff around which did confuse them a bit. Then for the first time they went after Bobo the choc. He does a side body tilt and immediately goes tiger stripe. He hit one of them but they were so fast Jazz nipped his tail anyway. Bobo backs up. So now we have these two intimidating this big chocolate. Then they went after Boss. The parrot refused to 'run' and just turned his side when they charged at him, almost like "go ahead and hit this." Not so much intimidated as not wanting to get hit face on (like being stuck in a room with a wasp).
Then they went after Pip (HRP), and Pepper (Rainbow)...it was getting stupid. They despise Corn and gave the severum shots to the side and face. Corn in turn would chase Pepper.
I blocked the easy access points the acaras were using to ambush fish, since they wouldn't do it out in the open. This forced them back towards the center and in the plants.
For awhile the larger fish avoided that spot but soon worked around it by simply swimming to the upper/mid level when passing through. This happened the last time the acaras went nutty. Their antics got old in a hurry, so I let the fish sort it out after that.
Hours later I did a quick check before lights out. The larger fish were back in their areas like nothing happened. Plants had been pulled from the back wall and piled up in the middle of the tank (where the acaras stay). Basically clogging everything and boxing them in. It doesn't take a genius to figure out who did that.
So I'm still not sure if my acaras Rocky and Jazz are a pair. They seem to be but nothing happens. Anyway they went full blown @hole yesterday morning, charging at fish and pecking their fins. This happened a few weeks back then settled down.They seemed to be defending an area (didn't see any eggs). The two were fanning/slapping. Rocky would grab plants and shake them.
I moved some stuff around which did confuse them a bit. Then for the first time they went after Bobo the choc. He does a side body tilt and immediately goes tiger stripe. He hit one of them but they were so fast Jazz nipped his tail anyway. Bobo backs up. So now we have these two intimidating this big chocolate. Then they went after Boss. The parrot refused to 'run' and just turned his side when they charged at him, almost like "go ahead and hit this." Not so much intimidated as not wanting to get hit face on (like being stuck in a room with a wasp).
Then they went after Pip (HRP), and Pepper (Rainbow)...it was getting stupid. They despise Corn and gave the severum shots to the side and face. Corn in turn would chase Pepper.
I blocked the easy access points the acaras were using to ambush fish, since they wouldn't do it out in the open. This forced them back towards the center and in the plants.
For awhile the larger fish avoided that spot but soon worked around it by simply swimming to the upper/mid level when passing through. This happened the last time the acaras went nutty. Their antics got old in a hurry, so I let the fish sort it out after that.
Hours later I did a quick check before lights out. The larger fish were back in their areas like nothing happened. Plants had been pulled from the back wall and piled up in the middle of the tank (where the acaras stay). Basically clogging everything and boxing them in. It doesn't take a genius to figure out who did that.