Major news.
This evening I went downstairs to get everyone dinner. They all ate fine. Problem.
I noticed Bobo had a strange looking wound near one of his eyes. Couldn't make out whether it was a small scrape but it was definitely white (like meat). Then I saw what appears to be a lymph spot on the other side. That was the final straw. I set up the backup tank with a small hob internal filter that I boosted with some bio bale and a fiber pad. Then I grabbed a sponge filter out of Tango's tank (he didn't really need it, he's got a large HOB). That went in also with some Prime.
Fortunately Bobo is pretty easy to net despite his size. It actually worked in my favor that the net was too small because he couldn't flap around and was easier to control. Brick watched me remove him then sat on the sand.
I also placed the original PVC hide in there for him. He immediately went into it. Now he has peace and quiet without the constant stress from the Oscar. Eventually I'd like to maybe put him, Tango, and one of the Synos in maybe a 125. Maybe, maybe not. This MTS syndrome is getting old for real.
I figured I'd weigh Bobo...
he clocks in at one pound and four ounces. I can only imagine what Brick weighs. But he doesn't have his favorite punching bag anymore. Its over with. Cichlids, I swear its always something. But its all good now. Bobo has his new home and he's not going back.
Bobo in the net...its 8 inches. you can see how he's hanging out of it but it worked to my advantage. His top fin is sharp as a razor! He's in his day glo tiger stripe pattern.