More tank pics, updated

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Its happening!

Rainbow cichlid Salt is now floating in the "Cup" in the main tank. Everyone except the acaras came to take a look. Brick did his usual "fin stretch" bit then went about his buisness. Pepper took awhile to notice but when he did he was pretty excited and colored up. Salt went nuts trying to get out (salt nuts, lol) when seeing Pepper. Even Boss took a brief look...the bp is usually chill about new additions.

Pics coming soon!
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I have kept Chocolates twice and they never used a cave or hid. They always found a spot in the tank and stared at the water surface looking for insects to land. Your Bobo was the first I’ve heard of a chocolate seeking a hiding spot. Now normally my chocolate was the king of the tank.
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I have kept Chocolates twice and they never used a cave or hid. They always found a spot in the tank and stared at the water surface looking for insects to land. Your Bobo was the first I’ve heard of a chocolate seeking a hiding spot. Now normally my chocolate was the king of the tank.

Bobo spent about 40% of the time staring at the top in the corners, 20% drifting around the tank/shoaling, 30% of the time in his favorite spot hiding behind plants, and 10% in his log. So he was pretty much 'sheltered' about 40% of the time. I think it's more his personality to hide...he kind of does it now even in his own tank.

He wasn't the tank boss so that had a lot to do with it. The Oscar and Parrot run the tank. I ultimately removed him as they kept stressing Bobo into ich/infection. Despite that he ate well and was a fast grower. In about a year and a half he went from 4 to 10 inches.
Update on Bobo the choc. He's doing just fine, thank you :grinyes: and finally starting to eat some. The white bumps dissolved in two days with the salt /vitamin C/ probiotic treatment. He's back to staring at the surface then drifts down and hides under his plants. Will post a pic.

Salt got his initiation and right now has a split tail (its already healing). But he's tough as nails, isn't intimidated, eats and swims with high energy. Pepper greeted the new rainbow by making a nuisance of himself, chasing and following. HRP Pip got in on the action as well. The three shoal at times. Salt even lip locked with Pip his first day. Now Salt and Pepper cruise together and explore. They went berserk glass surfing after getting fresh water today.

A bit delayed with the pics but will post soon.
And now we have the Bobo gallery. For those of you who haven't followed the latest, Bobo was getting sick again due to stress from the Oscar and Parrot in the 225. I treated him with Salt, Vitamin C and probiotics. He recovered in 3 days but was slow to eat. I still wish he'd eat more but he's finally settled into his new digs. This is a temporary setup. The plan is to get a 120/125 acrylic tank and have him, my BP Tango, and one of the synos in it. Possibly one of the acaras too, likely Jazz. Rocky will stay in the 225. Patch and Kong will be sharing a tank with a divider, a 90 when I can get one. That's the plan...I'm consoldiating tanks to reduce the loopy schedule of separate water changes.

Back to Bobo. Here he is, in all of his blimp glory. His color shadings kept changing during these pics.

Bobo 2.jpg

Bobo 3.jpg